ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,67

share more of himself with. The only woman he’d enjoyed being with, both in and out of bed.

“You’re quiet,” she said, watching him.

Andrew did not have a problem with her watching him, because he definitely enjoyed watching her. He reached out and took her hand. “I’m just glad we’re together.”

“So am I,” she said, and he saw the truth of her words in her eyes. “I can’t wait to tell my grandparents about you.”

“You planning to do that?”

“Yes. Unless you prefer that I didn’t.”

He shook his head. “No, I’d like to meet them.”

“And there is no doubt in my mind they will want to meet you. I’ve never taken a guy home before.”

He lifted a brow. “Never?”

“No, never. I told you that I’ve never had what anyone would call a serious boyfriend.”

“This might make me sound like one selfish bastard, but I’m glad.”

After they finished the pizza and tidied up the kitchen, he invited her to watch a movie with him.

“Okay, but no cop shows. I’m not in the mood.”

He chuckled. “I’m never in the mood because all they do is glorify our jobs for the viewers. If they only knew what really goes on behind the crime scenes, they wouldn’t be tuning in to watch it.”

“That’s true.”

They settled on watching two movies—an action movie for him, and a chick flick for her—while they sat drinking wine and eating popcorn in his theater room. This was the first time he’d invited a woman to his home because he’d never wanted a female to invade his space, but he would admit it felt wonderful having her there.

“That was a good movie,” she said, standing and stretching. He liked looking at her body when she did that. He’d noticed she did that a lot at work after sitting at her desk, staring at all her sticky notes for any long period of time.

“It’s getting late. Past midnight. Are you ready to take me back home now?”

Andrew honestly wasn’t. It was on the tip of his tongue to ask her to stay tonight, to christen his bed. However, he knew doing that would be a mistake. He had plans to drive to D.C. in the morning to have breakfast with Ryker, and then play a game of golf. Although Ryker was a United States Senator, he still considered the guys he’d met in the slammer his best friends. Ryker wasn’t ashamed of his past, and would be the first to tell anyone how it had helped shape him into the man he was today.

He also stood. “I’m having breakfast with Ryker in the morning, followed by a game of golf,” he said, in case she was wondering why he wasn’t asking her to stay the night. She’d met Ryker at Stonewall and Joy’s wedding, too. “What are your plans for tomorrow?”

“It will be a lazy Sunday for me. Thanks to you, I got everything out of the boxes and put up. I think I will sleep late and then watch movies. I could use a day to relax. I don’t know about you, but I needed to step away from the Tindal case to give my mind a rest. I still think there’s something we’re overlooking.”

“I’m thinking that same thing, but let’s not worry about it this weekend. Do you want to hook back up tomorrow evening when I get back from D.C.?” he asked, reaching out and bringing her body closer to his.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. “That would be nice.”

“I will call you when I get home.” He was trying to be considerate and not a greedy ass. Otherwise, he would have swept her in his arms and headed to his bedroom so they could try out his bed. The only thing holding him back was the fact they’d spent most of the day in her bed, and he wanted her to believe there was more between them than just sex.

“Okay, you do that.”

“Trust me, I will.”

Then, he leaned down and captured her lips in his. Her nipples were hard, and he felt them pressed against his chest. They were doing a number on each other’s mouths, and he knew if he didn’t pull back, they would end up in his bed, regardless of his best intentions. It was hard but he had to maintain a level of control with Toni.

“Of all the times we spent in your bedroom today, I didn’t get to taste you all over,” he said, nibbling her mouth.

“Save that for another day.”

“Don’t think that

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