ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,6

your fiancé to the curb in a heartbeat.” When Joy went to say something, Toni raised her hand, then straightened up in her chair. “Sorry.” Then she nodded over her shoulder. “Don’t look now, but that piece of eye candy I told you about yesterday is headed this way. Please make sure he sees that ring on your finger so he knows you’re not available. I don’t want any competition.”

Joy chuckled. “Girl, you’re crazy.”


A few seconds later a very deep, sexy voice said, “May I join you ladies?”

“Sure,” Toni said, smiling up at the man. She’d caught a glimpse of him from a distance yesterday when she’d checked into the hotel, but Lordy, up close he was making her panties wet. “I’m Antonia Oliver,” she said, extending her hand. “And this is my friend, Joy Ingram.”

A smile curved his lips. A pair of very luscious lips. “I’m Andrew Logan. Congratulations on making detective,” he said, sitting down in one of the vacant chairs.

“Same to you,” Joy said.

“Where are you ladies from?” he asked.

“I’m representing the Miami Police Department,” Toni told him.

“And I’m from Baton Rouge. Unfortunately, I need to split,” Joy said. “I promised my fiancé I’d give him a call before the start of our workshops today. It was nice meeting you, Andrew.”

“Nice meeting you, too, Joy.”

When Joy left, he smiled over at Toni. “So, Antonia...how about you tell me about yourself?”

Toni took a sip of her tea and deliberately licked her lips. That gesture got a guy’s attention every time. When it came to sex, men were so easy. She wondered if he realized he was being seduced. “First of all, I prefer you call me Toni.” His scent was getting to her. Why did he have to smell so darn good?

He nodded. “Okay, Toni. Please call me Drew.”

“It’s a deal, Drew. Just what do you want to know about me?”

“Anything you want to tell me.”

“Well, let me see,” she said, licking her lips again and enjoying the sight of his gaze following the movement of her tongue. “I was born in Miami, then went to college in Arizona.”

“How long were you a street cop?”

“Too long. I also have a degree in psychology, so I became a hostage negotiator,” she said.

“Ever had to use those skills?”

“Just once. The guy was a seventeen-year-old kid who’d hijacked a car with a baby inside. I honestly don’t think he knew what he’d gotten himself into...and he definitely didn’t want our SWAT team to take him out. So he gave up without much persuasion.” The way I plan to do if you keep looking at me like that.

“I see.”

“What about you, Drew? You didn’t say what police force you represent.”

“Alexandria, Virginia.”

“Nice place. I’ve visited there a couple of times. How long were you a street cop?”

“A couple of years.” He paused, then added, “And I’m thirty-two, by the way.”

“Umm, that’s a good age.”

He lifted a brow. “For what?”


Their gazes held for a moment, and she was certain he could feel the sexual chemistry flowing between them. It was powerful—almost overwhelming—and she had to break eye contact. She’d never felt such strong, carnal vibes from a man before.

“And how old are you, Toni?”


“Umm, I think that’s a good age, too,” he said in a husky voice.

“And what do you think it’s a good age for, Drew?”


She smiled, knowing they were on the same page. Glancing at her watch, she said, “Sorry, but I need to leave. My first workshop starts in a few minutes.” She didn’t intend to admit that she needed to drop by her hotel room first and change her panties. Because they were wet. And it was all his fault.

“I’d like to see you again, Toni.”

Bait taken. Now she couldn’t seem too eager to reel him in. “I’m sure we’ll run into each other again before the week is out,” she said, standing and pulling her tote bag onto her shoulder. She placed her meal ticket on the table beside the one Joy had left.

“I don’t want to risk missing you. Have dinner with me. Tonight.”

She met his gaze, pretending to give his invitation some thought, and then she said, “Sure. My last workshop ends at four.”

“Mine does, as well. You want to meet in the hotel’s lobby at seven? That will give you a chance to decompress.”

“Good idea. Thanks for being so thoughtful. And for the invitation to dinner.”

Another smile touched his lips. “The pleasure is all mine.”

She returned his smile. “I’ll see you later.” Then, she walked off.

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