ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,42

as much as my gumbo.”

“Doesn’t matter.” He checked his watch. “Ready to go?”

She nodded. “Ready.”

DREW HAD BEEN RIGHT—as far as technical analysts went, Valerie Bailey was the best in the business. Valerie had greeted them with a smile and had brought in a box of donuts for them all to enjoy with their coffee.

On the elevator ride to their meeting with Valerie, Drew had told Toni all about her. Valerie was a computer wiz. At just twenty-five, she had already been instrumental in solving a number of the department’s crimes’ cases. Her father was a highly respected technical analysts with the FBI. And to top that, Valerie was a sharp-shooter and was often called to work with the SWAT team.

Just like most offices belonging to technical analysts, walking into Valerie’s was like entering a NASA command center. Numerous computer screens were on the walls, some even hanging from the ceiling. And there were rows of monitors lining several desks.

It wasn’t hard to see that Valerie loved her job. It was also obvious that the very attractive, upbeat woman had a fondness for Andrew. A part of Toni appreciated the wedding ring she saw on the woman’s finger and the framed photograph of a husband and little boy on her desk. When Drew asked about her husband, Valerie told Toni that her husband and Drew were golfing buddies.

She’d glanced over at Drew. When had he started playing golf? He used to play a game of tennis with her every now and then, but never golf. It must be something he’d gotten into after they broke up.

Toni tried to keep her eyes off Drew today, but he looked too good—as usual. She had enjoyed dinner with him, and after he’d taken her back to get her car, he’d only waited long enough to see that she got in before driving off.

On the way back, he had asked her more questions about the hostage situation in Miami. She had already told him most of it, and figured he was only asking to keep conversation going between them.

That had been fine with her. Talking had kept her mind off the desire swamping her senses. It had always been this way with Drew. He, and only he, had this mind-blowing effect on her. Who would have thought, after a nearly five-year separation, that he could still make her nerves dance and certain parts of her body overheat? Just from him looking at her.

“I’ve managed to dig up some information on Wizzin,” Valerie was saying, reclaiming her attention. “First, both Homeland Security and the FBI have them on their radar. There seems to be a lot of questionable activities going on during those online auctions, especially in their bidding process,” she said, pointing to one huge computer screen.

“Currently, like most things online, there is very little regulation. You would be surprised at some of the things being bid on. Even humans aren’t off-limits,” Valerie added.

“Wizzin is involved in human trafficking?” Drew asked.

“There’s evidence, but nothing can be proven...yet. Still, the Bureau is studying the buying habits of a lot of the Wizzin buyers. They’ve noticed that some of those names are showing up on a few unsavory online buying sites.” She paused. “I just wanted to let you know what you were getting into.”

Suddenly, one of the screens lit up and an image of a man flashed. Valerie turned to them. “This is one of the guys we’re most interested in. His name is Fred Tatters. He works for billionaire Will Mooney.”

Toni lifted a brow. “The Will Mooney who owns the NBA Dragons?”

Valerie’s smile widened. “I see you keep up with basketball.”

Toni returned her smile. “My grandfather’s a fan of most sports.”

“Well, it seems Mooney is into more than sports. Look at the money he raked in after the last Wizzin auction,” Valerie said. Another screen flashed with several arrows denoting a money trail.

“Wow, what did he auction off?” Toni asked.

“According to the records, several rare paintings,” Valerie said.

“But what could be Maria Tindal’s involvement?” Drew asked, rubbing his bearded chin as he studied the screen.

Toni figured he was thinking that was a lot of money moving about in one day—all headed toward Swiss bank accounts. The woman in her also remembered other times he’d rub his chin—when he was aroused…which in turn would arouse her. Now he wore a beard and thought he looked even sexier with it. She wondered how that beard would feel rubbing against breasts, her stomach, and right at the juncture

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