ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,39

flash drive, too.”

“Sorry, detectives, I can’t give you a copy unless I have a warrant. Technically, it’s private property of Wizzin.”

Andrew nodded. “No problem. We’ll get a warrant. And where were you Tuesday night around ten?”

“I had a date. We were dining at Dahlia Steakhouse. We left around ten-forty-five.”

“We need information about your date to confirm your alibi.”

After ten minutes of more questioning, Andrew and Toni left Nettles’s residence. “What do you think?” she asked.

Andrew glanced over at her before he started the car. “That was clearly Maria Tindal in the footage taking that flash drive. But why?”

“No idea. However, I’m beginning to wonder if Byron Nettles’ suspicions about her having a side gig for some wealthy buyer could be true. I didn’t say anything, but I’ve heard about bidders on Wizzin. They can be fierce, and if someone catches wind of what will be offered before the masses, that person can be ready to outbid. That gives them an advantage.”

Andrew nodded. “Is it really that serious?”

“I heard it was. Wizzin offers rare finds, and the people who participate have plenty of money to spare.”

“Evidently,” Andrew said. At that moment, the car phone went off. “Detective Logan.”

“This is the Medical Examiner’s office.”

“What you got, Bobby?”

“You were right. There were traces of the victim’s blood on the knife, and the blade is the same type that was used to cut Maria Tindal’s wrists. That knife is definitely the murder weapon.”

TONI LEANED BACK IN her office chair, stretched, then glanced at the clock on the wall. It was nearly five o’clock. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed that Drew was still on the phone. He’d told her he would place a few calls to see what he could find out about Wizzin.

“You hungry?”

She glanced over at Drew and smiled. She hadn’t known he’d finished the call. Had he heard her stomach growl just now? “Yes, kind of.”

“You should be. We missed lunch today.”

Was that his way of saying that he was hungry? “We did.”

“How are you making it without your grandparents’ meals?”

He hadn’t forgotten, she thought with a smile. It wasn’t that she didn’t know how to cook. After all, she’d lived with her grandparents a long time, and her grandmother felt every female should know her way around the kitchen. But she’d found it easier to drop by her grandparents’ place whenever she wanted a good home-cooked meal without the bother of doing it herself. That way, she got a visit, too. And since they always pushed containers of leftovers on her when she left, her freezer was always stocked. All she had to do was choose what she wanted to eat that day and slide it in the microwave.

“I’ve been doing pretty good on my own. In fact, I’ve been trying out different recipes.”

“Well, I owe you for yesterday,” he said. “Do you want to join me for dinner? Nothing fancy, but I know this place across the bridge in Arlington that serves the best seafood gumbo.”

Was he deliberately letting her know he remembered her favorite meals? What other things did he remember? “The best?” she asked.

Drew chuckled. “Let’s just say it makes you think you’re in New Orleans the moment you first taste it.”

She smiled. “This I’ve got to see. Let’s go.”

“Good. I thought we’d take the cruiser there and come back for our cars afterward. Sound good?”

She nodded.

They had just wrapped things up and were walking out to the parking lot when a male voice called out to Drew. They both turned to see a tall man walking toward them. Toni detected Drew tensing beside her. Why? Was this someone he didn’t care for?

As he got closer, she saw the guy was built, just like Drew. He was also very handsome. Although not as handsome as the man standing beside her.

“Hey, Drew, I see you leaving for the day.” Although he was talking to Drew, Toni noticed the man was looking at her. He had a nice smile and pleasant voice. He had an Australian accent.

“Yes, we’re headed out to get something to eat.” Drew then turned to her. “Toni, I’d like to introduce Daniel Zinc. Daniel is a detective in the Special Investigation Unit.”

So, this was Daniel Zinc, Toni thought, taking the hand Daniel offered her. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice meeting you, too, Toni. Welcome to APD.”

“Thanks. You’re from Australia?”

“No. My parents are. I was born here in America.”

He then glanced over at Drew. “So where are you guys going?” Daniel asked, smiling

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