ENTANGLED PURSUITS - Brenda Jackson Page 0,34

appreciate it if you could let her know that Police Detectives Oliver and Logan are here to see her. We can see her here, or we can have our uniformed officers pick her up and take her to police headquarters for us to talk with her there.”

A smile touched the woman’s lips as if she would give anything to see that happen. She nodded. “Please remain here and I’ll let Miss Roundtree know.” The door was then closed on them.

Drew glanced over at Toni, smiled and said, “Was it something I said?”

Before Toni could answer, the door was snatched open and a beautiful woman, who appeared to be a few years younger than Toni, stood there, frowning. “Johnnie said you would call. He didn’t say anything about you showing up here.”

“Sorry you were misinformed, Miss Roundtree,” Drew said with no remorse in his voice. “But we need to speak with you. We can either do it here or you can be escorted downtown by uniformed officers.”

Her gaze narrowed. “You wouldn’t.”

“Try me.”

Evidently something in Drew’s voice warned her not to push him. The woman opened the door wider and stood aside. “Come in. I can spare you a few minutes of my time.”

Drew gave Toni a look that was easy to read. Aren’t we lucky? He stepped back for her to enter before him.

• • •

“My time is valuable, detectives, so I’ll confirm whatever Johnnie told you. He has no reason to lie.”

Andrew frowned. What was it with rich people and their lack of manners? Well…some rich people. The Grangers had money, but Sheppard never acted like he thought he was better than anyone else. Far from it.

“Our time is valuable, as well, Miss Roundtree, and I hope you don’t mind if my partner and I take a seat,” he said, sliding down on the sofa. Toni followed his lead and sat down, also.

“We ask the questions and you answer. That’s the way it’s done.”

She narrowed her gaze at him, then snappishly said, “Then, ask your questions.”

“Where were you around ten two nights ago, Miss Roundtree?” Toni asked.

Rolling her eyes, she said, “I was here. I went shopping in Arlington and returned around six. Johnnie came over around eight and he stayed with me all night.”

“This is your permanent residence?” Andrew asked, glancing around. The house was huge. Probably four times the size of his.

“I lived in a condo for a while, but I was always house-sitting for my parents, so they suggested I move in. They like to travel. They also have a second home in LA. That’s where they are now.”

“So you and Johnnie were here alone? No household staff?”

“No. They live elsewhere.” She’d glanced twice at her watch, letting him know that she was tired of their questions and was ready for them to go.

Andrew ignored her hint. “What time did Johnnie leave the next morning?” Toni asked.

She frowned. “I don’t know. I was asleep. I guess around eight or so. When I woke up at nine, he was gone.”

“When did you and Johnnie Underwood begin dating?”

“The middle part of last summer.”

Toni studied her for a minute and then said, “Were you aware that he was dating Maria Tindal at the same time?”

“Yes, and I was dating someone else at the time, too.”

“You dumped your boyfriend and he dumped Maria so the two of you could be together?”

She shrugged. “I didn’t exactly dump my ex-boyfriend. He knew he was on his way out anyway, so it was no big deal. How Johnnie managed his breakup with Maria was his business. I understand she wasn’t happy about it.”

What woman would be? Toni thought. “Have you ever met Maria Tindal, Miss Roundtree?”

“I wouldn’t say we met, but I knew who she was. I’m sure her roommate told you why she and Johnnie broke up. Maria caught us together in a very compromising situation. So, I guess you could say we met then. She wasn’t happy. I wasn’t happy about it either.”

“Why not?”

“I assumed Johnnie had told her about us. I knew he was still seeing her, but they weren’t sleeping together. I was giving him time to let her down easy.”

How generous of you, Toni thought sarcastically.

“Still, it was sad what happened to her,” Jamia added.

Toni honestly didn’t hear any real sadness in her voice. “Yes, it was.”

A half hour later, Drew and Toni were back in the car. She glanced over at him. “So, what do you think?”

He shook his head. “I’m reserving judgment until after we check footage

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