Entangled with the Prince - Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,26

front of her, frowning down at her in the dim light from the supply room.

“What are you doing here?” she demanded, straightening and wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

“We weren’t finished with our conversation.”

Savannah closed her eyes against the pain of his presence. When she opened them again, she looked directly into his eyes, deciding to be honest with him. “Look, Gaelen, I have to tell you that this isn’t going to work out.”

“Why not?”

She lowered her head, blinking back more tears. “Because I like you,” she whispered. “I really like you. I think you’re one of the most fascinating men I’ve ever met. And I…” she stopped, looking at the steel door that led out to the alley instead of looking into those hazel eyes that so fascinated her. “And I can’t do this. I’m not one of those women who can handle a guy who sees more than one woman at a time. I just…I can’t handle it. I know that other people can handle open relationships. But when I fall in love, I want to know that I’m the only person in his heart.” She finally looked up at him. “I don’t think that’s what…”

He interrupted her with a kiss. This wasn’t the gentle, testing kiss from last night. This was passion, raw and unbound. It was daring and challenging and so arousing, she felt her body begin to glow.

Unfortunately, he pulled back before she’d had enough. “What time are you finished here?”

Her lips trembled as she looked at him, unaware of her fingers clinging to his arms. “I can’t leave with you. I won’t…”

“That was my sister,” he told her. “Talia is my sister. And she came in here to get advice from me about men.”

There was a long silence. Both of them stared into each other’s eyes and she didn’t understand. “Your…?”

“Sister. She’s my baby sister. Talia is the youngest, then my younger brother, Tarin, who is thirty two. I’m next, and then there’s my oldest brother, Amit. I used to have an older sister, Orella, but she died last year in a car accident with her husband. I also have two twin nieces that are still struggling to deal with their parents’ death. I have four aunts and two uncles, all of whom live too close, but they are wonderful. My brothers are much more arrogant than I am and,” he paused when she laughed, “and I think you’re the most beautiful women I’ve ever known. Please, have dinner with me tonight. I’ll tell you more. I’ll even introduce you to Talia and she’ll tell you horrible stories about me and all of the mean things I did to her when she was younger.”

“Yes,” Savannah breathed, feeling a bit light-headed with relief now that she knew the beautiful woman was a sister and not a lover.

Then he kissed her again. This kiss was more tender, but still so passionate, she thought her knees might just give out.

“What time are you off?” he asked, his lips nuzzling her neck, her ear, her lips again.

“Two o’clock,” she whispered, closing her eyes to better enjoy what he was doing to her neck.

“Good. I’ll pick you up then.”

“No, I need to go home and shower. I always feel icky after my shift. It’s a great place, but the food is greasy and it seems to permeate my hair and clothes.”

He sighed, pulling back but keeping his hands on her hips. “I’ll pick you up at five o’clock. Will that give you enough time?”

She nodded, beaming.

“Good. I’ll see you then.”

Chapter 7

Savannah smoothed her hand down over the dress, wondering if she should change. Was the red dress with one inch straps too sexy? It didn’t show much cleavage, but it revealed more skin than her normal tee-shirts and jeans. The skirt was full and swirled around her legs, the bodice buttoning up the front. She felt pretty.

Adding to the sexy factor, she’d piled her hair up on top of her head, allowing small, wispy tendrils to dance around her face. She’d put on more makeup than usual, including red lipstick that almost perfectly matched her dress. The color seemed to lighten her hair a bit, making it seem more of a pretty blond color than the dull dishwater that it normally appeared to be. Some mascara and a touch of perfume, a scent that someone had given her years ago, but since she rarely dated, Savannah hadn’t had a reason to wear it until now.

“This is

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