Entangled with the Prince - Elizabeth Lennox Page 0,1

fact, he owned the building and the bar here on this roof. Hell, he owned several buildings in this city, although not many people knew that. He was in charge of the financial health of his family, as well as that of his country. As Minister of Finance for Izara, as well as crown prince of the same, he had a great deal of power and wealth, far beyond anything these people could imagine. Far beyond what all of the magazines estimated when they did their annual rating of the ten richest people in the world. He always chuckled when his assistant handed him that list. It was so far off, it was pointless.

But if the world needed to categorize someone’s wealth, then he didn’t mind those magazines doing their best. Whatever helped them sleep better at night, he thought as he settled into his chair, turning so that his back was to the wall and he could watch the room. He was meeting a potential business partner to discuss a project. Unbuttoning his jacket, he loosened his tie and “relaxed” against the back of the chair.

Thankfully, a waitress immediately made her way through the thick crowd. She smiled welcomingly at him and he felt as if one of his generals had just kicked him in the gut! Damn, she was beautiful! Her soft, whiskey-blond hair was pulled back into a thick braid, although small wisps had wafted around her heart-shaped face. Perfectly curved eyebrows lifted in inquiry, but he could only stare into those lovely brown eyes! They were mesmerizing! Angled slightly upwards at the ends, but big and wide, sparkling with curiosity.

And her mouth! Damn, her mouth was wide and full. It was the kind of mouth that an old time actress would use to entice! But her nose…he almost laughed when he looked at her nose. It was cute, almost countering the sensuality of that mouth!

Her features didn’t seem like they should quite fit together. But taken together, they formed an image that was startlingly lovely. This woman might almost appear adorably gamine, if it weren’t for that sensuous mouth!

“What can I get you to drink?” she asked.

Gaelen focused on that mouth, forming salacious images of what he’d like to do to that gorgeous mouth. Or more specifically, what he’d like her to do with that mouth! And just as fast as those images flashed behind his eyes, his body reacted. He was shocked at his undisciplined reaction to her, wanting to roar at her to stop. And yet, logically, he knew that the beautiful woman hadn’t actually done anything. She’d merely asked what he’d like to drink. The woman was simply doing her job and he was ready to yell at her for it? Ridiculous.

Obviously, he’d paused too long, because when his eyes moved back to hers, he realized that she was nervous, those brown eyes wary now.

“I apologize,” he told her, wanting to ease her tension so that she would smile again. “What would you recommend?”

Instantly, her wariness evaporated and her mouth curved upwards. Gaelen caught the mischievous glint to her eyes as she said, “The bartender has several delicious cocktails available. Would you…?”

“Just bring me your favorite,” he replied, thinking to further ease her nervousness with a friendly gesture.

Her suddenly bright smile should have warned him, but he was just too relieved that she was clearly relaxed. “Absolutely,” she replied as she quickly turned, obviously eager to get away from him.

Gaelen watched as the lovely woman headed for the bar. She was too thin, he thought critically, wondering why women wanted to starve themselves. Didn’t they know that men wanted a woman he could hold onto? Her butt was pretty damn nice, but if she gained a bit of weight, it could be magnificent! Her waist was small…too small. His eyes narrowed as he watched her twist her way through the crowd.

If Gaelen hadn’t been watching so intently, he might have missed the man’s lascivious glance at that same butt he’d been watching. But while he’d only been looking, another man at his table reached out and squeezed that pert derriere as the beautiful waitress passed by.

Gaelen stood up, ready to tear the man’s hand off for daring such an inappropriate gesture. But the waitress must have anticipated the assault because she grabbed the man’s fingers and twisted. Hard! It happened so quickly, he almost missed it. In fact, even the man’s companions missed her maneuver, although they didn’t miss the man’s expression of

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