Entangled (The Accidental Billionaires #2) - J. S. Scott Page 0,68

him in a tremulous voice.

“Yeah. Well, it hurts to know I love Maya like she’s my child, and she’s not. Never was, according to the DNA test. And DNA doesn’t lie, Skye. Just tell me why the hell you did it. Why you made all this up. Was it the money? Because that’s the only thing that’s really changed about me.”

“I didn’t make it up. And it was never about the money. I told you that,” I said flatly. “I swear.”

I couldn’t completely blame him for being upset, but he had to know that Maya was really his daughter. He had to. Maybe it was hard to go against a DNA test, but in his heart he had to realize the truth.

Problem was, he was thinking completely with his brain right now, and he was right, lab tests rarely lied.

People did.

So he’d immediately jumped to the obvious conclusion right away. And what in the hell could I say in my defense except the truth? Which probably would seem highly unlikely to him right now.

“Since her birthday is in May, you must have forgotten about me pretty damn quickly. Or is she really Marino’s kid?” he asked angrily.

I took a deep breath and tried not to let my temper fly, too. That wasn’t going to help the situation right now. “I would have never been with him if it wasn’t for Maya. You know that, Aiden. I told you that I was pregnant with her when I agreed to go with him because I had nowhere else to go.”

“Bullshit!” he said in a frustrated voice as he took back the lab results and held them up. “Are you trying to say I should believe you and not the test? I might be gullible when it comes to you, but I’m not stupid.”

He’d never been gullible or stupid, but now probably wasn’t the time to try to convince him of that.

Honestly, I wasn’t sure what had happened, or why we’d gotten the wrong result. But I did know the truth, something that he definitely didn’t want to hear right now.

“All I can say is that it’s a mistake,” I said softly. “I don’t know what happened, but you know I wasn’t with anybody before you, and I sure as hell wasn’t with anybody soon after. We need to call the lab.”

His expression was tormented. “Do you know how many guys probably do that, just fucking hoping the test was wrong?”

I got that he was angry, but I refused to let him keep using me as a verbal punching bag. He’d hate himself for it later, because that was just how Aiden was made.

I put my hands on my hips. “It is wrong. There’s no question about that. The only answer I need is how it got screwed up.”

“I can’t do this anymore, Skye,” he said as he dropped the papers on the counter.

He didn’t say another word as he walked to the garage and left.

A few moments later, I heard the sound of the garage door opening and closing, and then the engine noise of his truck fading away.

I took a deep breath, and then let it out. Tears leaked from my eyes. The pain of all he’d said was gut wrenching. Yeah, I understood that he might be justified in his anger, but it killed me that he hadn’t even listened, or considered the fact that it could have been a mistake.

Damn emotions. I was better off when I couldn’t let them come to the surface.

Now that I had, I was pretty much screwed.

The pain of watching Aiden walk away was almost more than I could bear.

I picked up the papers and looked for contact information.

They close at five p.m.

There was no way I was going to get any answers tonight.

And what would happen if they told me that there was no mistake?

I knew better, but Aiden didn’t.

And I had no idea if I could eventually talk him into doing the test again with a different lab.

“Mom, did Dad just leave? I saw his truck from the window of the music room,” my daughter asked anxiously as she came into the kitchen.

I swiped at my tears before I turned to her. “He did. But I’m sure he’ll be back.”


At the moment, there was no reasoning with him.

“Why did he go? It’s time for dinner.”

I smiled at her. “Dinner is coming up. I was going to make hamburgers. Do you want to go hang out at Aunt Jade’s place to make them?

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