Entangled (The Accidental Billionaires #2) - J. S. Scott Page 0,29

. difficult.

When a poor guy suddenly realizes that he could never work another day in his life but he’d still keep getting richer from his investments, it’s daunting.

I liked to work.

I was used to busting my ass for small pay and long hours.

But the only thing I was good at was fishing.

So Seth’s idea to work together had sounded good at the time.

Too bad that I just didn’t feel like I fit into the whole real-estate environment.

I needed to be outdoors to feel normal, and the ocean was in my blood.

Once I’d parked my truck at the Sinclair Building, I got out and pulled on my suit jacket.

Strangely, I actually smiled as I locked up my vehicle, because I still remembered Skye telling me how handsome I’d looked this morning before I’d left the house.

Hell, I knew I reacted to her praise like an infatuated high-school kid, but I couldn’t seem to stop myself.

We’d both taken Maya to the bus stop, and I’d enjoyed a great breakfast because Skye had done the cooking.

I didn’t miss my usual solitude in the morning, that was for sure. I liked having them both around.

I entered the lobby and raised a hand to the security guy at the front desk as I pushed the button on the elevator for the top floor.

At the moment, Sinclair Properties was only occupying the entire upper floor. But I knew that Seth had ambitions that would fill the whole building with company employees very shortly.

Once I hit the offices, I passed by mine and made my way to Seth’s next door.

He was standing behind his desk, and I didn’t hesitate as I walked up to him. Once he turned his head and looked at me, I hauled my arm back and slugged him in the face so hard that he landed flat on his ass.

“What the fuck, Aiden?” he whined from his seated position on the carpet. “I think you broke my damn nose.”

I flopped down in a chair in front of his desk. “She was pregnant, you asshole,” I informed him angrily. “She left a letter to tell me that she was having my baby.”

I watched as Seth got into his chair and reached for some tissues. The blood hadn’t landed on his pristine suit yet, but it would if he didn’t stop the bleeding from his swollen nose.

“How in the fuck would I know that?” he questioned grumpily. “That thought never even occurred to me back then. You were always careful. You weren’t the kind of guy to get a female knocked up.”

“It didn’t matter. You should have never screwed with my mail. It changed a lot of lives, and not for the better. Skye was miserable, and my daughter was not in a great environment.”

I hated to admit it, but I kind of enjoyed watching his nose bleed and swell up. The bastard deserved it.

Seth held the tissues in place, only removing them once the bleeding had been stanched.

“So I’m the enemy now?” he asked while he stared at me unhappily.

“You’re my brother,” I corrected. “I just don’t like you much at the moment.”

“I didn’t know, Aiden. I swear. I would have told you if I’d read it.”

“My life would be entirely different if you had let me know,” I drawled. “And so would Maya’s and Skye’s. Maybe they would have had less material things, but I believe that neither one of them cared about that. They just wanted to be safe and loved.”

“Maya and Skye?” he asked. “Skye’s daughter is your child?”

I nodded and then proceeded to tell him the whole story.

When I’d caught him up, I added, “By the way, I quit. I’m done with Sinclair Properties. This is your dream, not mine.”

Seth shook his head. “You don’t mean that. This company is already worth eight figures, and it won’t take long before it’s even more.”

I shot him a warning look. “Believe it. I plan on turning over full ownership to you.”

He gave me a look of disgust. “You’re just pissed right now—”

“That’s not why I’m doing it,” I interrupted.

“Then why in the hell would you give up a company that’s kicking ass right now?”

I shrugged. “It’s not my thing. I don’t get a hard-on from dealing in properties or land. And high-rises do very little for me.”

“Jesus, Aiden. You can’t just—”

“I can,” I assured him.

I started to think about what Skye had said about people always telling her what to do, and I could relate.

“Somehow, I can’t see you lying on the

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