Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,97

locusts formed images to match the words, rapidly changing each scene. They showed a man and woman with a fruit, then a man pushing a plow and shaking a fist in the air.

To God he builds a tower of stone,

His pride, an arrow to the sky,

Believing clay and flesh and blood

Can reach the holy seat on high.

The drawing shifted to a tall ziggurat that pierced the clouds, but dragons flew around the tower and toppled it with a cyclone of fire.

Alas! The tower begins anew,

A threat that now has breached the wall

That separates the men of Earth

From souls who live in Hades’ hall.

The image of the Earth and the seven stacked discs reappeared. The two worlds drifted closer and closer together until they collided. The discs transformed into locusts that flew into the Earth, and the image seemed to magnify, as if the one viewing the scene were flying in for a landing somewhere in the United States. Suddenly, hairy men with fangs appeared. They prowled a city street, chasing small humans into dark alleys.

A giant reaching to the sky,

With bolts of lightning twisting ’round,

Is seeking not to climb to God,

But strives to bring the heavens down.

The altar with the praying girls reappeared on the face of the mountain. To the left, a giant lifted his hands, and jagged streaks shot out from his fingers. The streaks wrapped up in a vortex and reached for the altar like twisted strands of spider webbing shooting at a victim. The streaks grabbed the altar and drew it closer and closer until …

The image suddenly vanished, but Naamah’s song continued.

Protect the Earth, my chosen one,

By standing fast at Heaven’s shield,

For Mardon’s plan will come to pass

If Elam’s faith should bend and yield.

Turning pale, Naamah exhaled loudly and toppled to the side. Her cheek thumped heavily on the path.

Elam pulled her upright and whispered, “Naamah, are you okay?”

Her head swayed back and forth for a moment, but it finally steadied, and she opened her eyes. A gentle smile graced her lips. “I did it, didn’t I?”

Elam brushed specks of grass and sand from her face. “You were amazing!” Rising to his feet, he pulled Naamah up.

“So do you understand the song?” she asked. “The words came through my mind, so I sang them, but they were a mystery to me.”

Elam gazed at the massive wall. “I understood everything except what I’m supposed to do. I have to stand fast at Heaven’s shield, whatever that means, and that’s supposed to stop Mardon’s plan to bring Heaven down to Earth.”

Dikaios nudged Elam with his nose. “Heaven’s shield is a gate that leads to the altar of God. This is the very place you have been searching for since you arrived.”

“Do you know how to get there?”

The horse turned his head, avoiding Elam’s stare. “You have asked me this question before.”

Elam stepped back into Dikaios’s line of sight. “And you didn’t answer.”

“I had to wait until you passed the tests, and you have done so.”

“I did? What tests?”

“Your tests of character.” Dikaios gave a snorting laugh. “You passed them, and you were not even aware you were being examined.”

Elam extended an arm toward the path. “So can you tell me now? How do I find the shield?”

“I will show you, but you must ride. We have a long journey to the shield, too long considering the task that lies ahead after we find it.”

Naamah pulled together her borrowed cloak and clutched it tightly against her waist. Leaning her head against Elam’s chest, she pleaded, “I beg you to take me with you. I know that my usefulness has already been spent, but I can do manual labor. You have seen me work, Elam. I am not a lazy woman.”

Elam hovered his hand over her circlet, wondering if he should comfort her. With her enchanting voice vibrating his skin, it seemed that his own heart vibrated in response. But was this from sympathy, or was it a warning? Could she still be the enemy who wanted to drink the life within? Or did her tears really signify contriteness in her soul?

Heat and wetness from Naamah’s tears penetrated Elam’s tunic and dampened his skin. He gently caressed her hair and said, “Of course you’re not lazy.” He looked at Dikaios. “Can you take two?”

The horse turned toward the wall. The image of the Earth had reappeared, but this time, the discs lay superimposed on the globe, and twisting webs were shooting toward the altar on the right. He lifted

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