Enoch's Ghost - By Bryan Davis Page 0,18

in the world could Acacia carry Paili through all of that? I mean, she had great character of soul, but what about the Caitiff? How could she get past them while carrying a limp body?”

“Joseph of Arimathea guided her, and he likely took over the burden of carrying Paili. He was a great warrior in his time, so he is strong, and the Caitiff fear him.”

“Where is Joseph now?” Elam hiked his bag higher on his shoulder. “I mean, I’m no coward, but I wouldn’t mind having him along if he’s available.”

Merlin untwisted the bag’s strap and patted it down. “I have no idea what has become of Joseph. As far as I can tell, you will have no guide, but I’m sure you will find your way.” He laid his palm on the back of Elam’s head. “You have proven yourself worthy of every assignment I’ve given you, and this will be no exception. But you must maintain a confident mind-set in full assurance of faith, otherwise your heart might melt within you.”

Elam kept his head straight, not wanting to disturb Merlin’s touch. The old prophet’s strong fingers felt good in his hair, filling him with confidence and energy. “I appreciate your faith in me,” Elam said. “I’ll remember what you told me.”

Merlin pulled his hand away. “I know you will.”

Turning back to the portal, Elam gazed at the jungle scene again. The rain had become a downpour. “Any last-minute instructions?”

“Indeed. I have saved the most important part as your final warning in order to firmly implant it in your brain.” Merlin glanced at the doorway leading to the living quarters of Sir Patrick’s house, and, leaning close to Elam, lowered his voice to a whisper. “I have learned that Mardon, Sapphira’s old master, is behind a plot that could trigger a potential catastrophe so great, even Heaven and Earth would be destroyed. Yet there is a way to stop him. You must find Enoch, but you need not warn him of the threat. He knows of it all too well and is counting on your help to save the cosmos.”

Elam pointed at himself. “I’m supposed to save the cosmos?”

“Not alone. You will simply be one of the tools God will use, like a commander leading the troops into battle. Enoch is mustering soldiers from Earth and from another dimension that you have never heard of.” Merlin tapped his finger on Elam’s head. “I believe you know the soldiers from Earth, a young man and woman named Walter and Ashley.”

Elam nodded. “I know about them. I was called Markus back when they helped Billy and Bonnie survive the Circles of Seven, but I never had a chance to meet them.”

“Their role is crucial,” Merlin continued, “yet they have no idea that Mardon is trying to build a tower to pull Heaven down to Earth. It will be up to Sapphira and Enoch to guide their steps. If they fail to do their part, all will be lost.”

“What about this other realm?” Elam asked. “How am I supposed to lead soldiers from there?”

“Only one man from there is involved, but you are not responsible for calling him to your aid, though you know him quite well.” Merlin paused for a moment, his stare riveting Elam in place. Finally, the old prophet sighed. “Aren’t you going to ask me who he is?”

Elam shook his head. “If you wanted me to know, you’d tell me.”

Merlin chuckled and patted Elam on the back. “You haven’t changed much, have you?” Pulling away slightly, Merlin kept his voice low. “Enoch sang a prophecy for me. I have not discerned whether or not it relates to the potential calamity at hand, but maybe it will give you wisdom.”

Angling his head upward, he crooned in a soft, melodic tone.

The tree that bears the ark of God

Has flown to Heaven’s narrow gate

To purge the serpent’s fatal bite,

The fruit of Morgan’s wicked hate.

A host of martyrs bends the knee

>Behind the altar’s sacred door,

Awaiting Elam, son of Shem,

To lead a march to holy war.

A path of light will lead the way,

A path the tree will soon ignite,

A path of sorrows, pain, and death,

A path to guide the mourning knight.

But still there lurks a dangerous foe

Who seeks to drink of Elam’s life,

To take the fruit that burns within,

The flame that melts a subtle knife.

The journey takes him to a land

Of children once forsaken here

To battle altered tribes of war,

Deceivers masked to virgin ears.

And once that land is cleansed anew,

The tree must

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