In Enemy Territory - Shannon West Page 0,21

kind of intergalactic incident, but we still have to get them out, and he will go in if he has no other choice. The Gatifreyans and the neighboring planets can file all the complaints they want to afterward.”

“What if we aren’t able to do what you want? Or if as you say, diplomacy works before we get a chance. Will we have the same deal?”

“Yes, of course.”

Rasc was quiet for a moment and seemed to be thinking hard. “It’s not going to be easy to go in there and get established.”

“You’re a hustler, Centarlo. If anyone can do it, you can,” Kylon said in a tone that made Rasc glance over at him in surprise.

“A hustler?” Rasc seemed to be equal parts surprised that Kylon would know the human term and insulted by it being applied to him.

“Isn’t that the correct term for someone who does shady business or sells things illegally? My human slang is a bit rusty.” He turned to look over at Rasc. “I spent a rotation of duty at the prison on one of our moons. We housed several ARes prisoners there, along with many pirates. I got to be very familiar with human slang. And with hustlers like you.”

“Oh yeah?” Rasc said, though Kylon could see a dark look cross his face at the assessment. “Just how ‘familiar’ did you get with your prisoners, Colonel? We hear rumors you know.”

Kylon flushed and glared at him. It was true some Tygerian guards were notorious for their bad treatment and sexual abuse of prisoners, even though the Royal Consort Blake had been working in prison reform for years. His actions had helped, but the situation was still bad and a work in progress at most Tygerian facilities. Kylon had seen his share of bad treatment right here on Laltana, in fact, but he always tried to put a stop to it.

Kylon shot him a glittering look. “Don’t be insolent, prisoner.”

Rasc stared back at him, not lowering his gaze for a long moment until Larz cleared his throat. “Let’s not get distracted here. I realize it will take a little while to establish yourselves, Centarlo. Of course, the sooner, the better. But I think you can do it, with our help. We can provide you with an unlimited amount of contraband through our sources at the embassy on Gatifrey. Our plans were to provide ambassador Spenkoss with regular shipments of goods, and I’ve already directed him to set up a contact with someone on the inside of the penal colony. He’s found a Gatifreyan worker there who is amenable—especially after the promise of a great deal of bribe money. This person will make contact with you as soon as possible after you arrive. You can use the contraband they’ll provide you with to establish yourselves. I can supply you with anything you need within reason.”

“We’ll see what we can do,” Centarlo drawled. “But how do I know you’ll fulfill your end of things?”

Beside him, Kylon bristled. “Don’t be insulting. You have the Governor’s word and mine.”

“You’ll have to forgive me if the word of a Tygerian is not anything I put a lot of faith into.”

Kylon growled, looking furious. “I won’t forgive you! How dare you?” he said, jumping to his feet again. He was up out of that chair more than he was in it, but damn it, Centarlo got under his skin.

Rasc sighed and held up a hand. “No disrespect to present company intended.”

Kylon growled a Tygerian word that he hoped Rasc could easily figure out from its tone.

Rasc gave him a smile, but Kylon knew it was just to irritate him. Rasc couldn’t seem to help himself. Kylon wished Larz wasn’t there—he’d have liked to have five minutes alone with Centarlo. He was sorely lacking in discipline and needed a strong hand. He’d like to overlay some of Kroman’s marks on Bonnett’s ass with some of his own. Larz’s calm voice cut into Kylon’s low growls.

“It’s all right, Colonel. I understand there’s no love lost between us. And right now it’s not important. Though if you decide to do this, Centarlo, I expect you to obey my commands and those of Colonel Bonnett implicitly.”

“I understand. And I am willing to do it. Why wouldn’t I? If there’s any chance of an early release, I’ll take it.”

“Good. But there’s one more thing you should know about this assignment. We just received word a little while before you arrived of an assassination of a Justice back on Copyright 2016 - 2024