The Enemy - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,78

to keep the bills paid."

She stops midway up and turns around to look at me, but it's not the kind of look I was hoping to see. A heavy sigh leaves her mouth.

"You should go," she tells me with a broken voice. "My dad will be home soon."

And there it is. The real choice she made. I was stupid for believing I stood a chance against the man who has spoiled her since the day she was born. It was one thing when she could have both—me in the darkness and him in the light. But now, when it's one against the other, her actual decision comes to light.

Without a second thought, I turn around and do exactly as she said—leave.

BRYCE SITS ON HIS bed as I throw darts at the wall. It's not doing shit to take my mind off Lennon, but the concept of chucking pointy things in general seems like it would help my frustration. It's only a matter of time before my phone rings, either by Ken telling me to come pack my shit or my mom screaming at me for having the audacity to steal from her sugar daddy.

"You didn't see the look on her face though," I say to Bryce. "She looked so devastated."

He shrugs like it's no big deal. "So you're back to square one. Not a big deal."

My brows furrow. "What do you mean?"

Looking up from his phone, he gives me an odd look. "Well, you were only getting with her to get something to hold against her dad, weren't you?"

Fuck, over the last couple weeks I'd been so wrapped up in everything Lennon, I totally forgot about why I needed to be with her in the first place. All I could focus on was the taste of her lips and the way she clung to me when no one else was around.

"Oh shit," Bryce breathes. "It wasn't."

"No," I try to recover. "No, it was."

He scoffs. "Maybe at first, but that look on your face just now told a whole different story. Well, in that case, it's better that it ended now."

What? "Why do you say that?"

"Because, it's not like she would stay with you after you destroy her dad. I mean, you can't honestly think you were going to get the best of both worlds."

I go quiet as the truthfulness to his words weighs heavily on his chest. I hadn't even thought that far through, but he's right. While I've been sitting here thinking she was the only one with a choice, I've had one, too—put my family back together, or get the girl.

"Maybe you could use some of the money you took to hire a private investigator," Bryce says while going back to his phone, but I'm too distracted to pay him any mind.

All this time I've been wanting her to choose me over the only family she has, and I'm not sure if I'd be willing to do the same.

We were doomed from the start.



Surfing is something I enjoy. Always has been, always will be. But training for a competition? Yeah, not so much fun. Bryce and Jayden become bossy little pricks and take control like a couple of drill sergeants. I once considered hiring someone legitimate to help me, but this is what's worked for me since they stopped competing, and I'm a firm believer in not fixing something that isn't broken.

We took the time to drive the forty-five minutes to the same beach where the competition will be held. The waves here are intense, to the point where Jayden won't even go in the water, but that doesn't stop him from shouting trick commands from the beach.

I surf my heart out, moving my board around with a professional skill. Even while I'm so focused, my thoughts still manage to go to Lennon. The way she looked like she wanted to fight me after she caused me to break my other board. How she bought me this one, that happens to be fifty times better. She didn't even realize when I suggested the board she bought for herself that it matches mine.

"Stop daydreaming and fucking surf!" Bryce shouts. "You're never going to win if you spend your day swooning like a girl over your stepsister."

"Fuck off, asshole," I yell back, but it only makes him laugh.

I push the thoughts away as much as I can and focus on the task at hand, because winning this competition could mean sponsorships. Sponsorships mean a professional career in surfing, and that Copyright 2016 - 2024