The Enemy - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,67

cuts out as I pant heavily. I don't think I've danced this hard in weeks, which is why I wish Savannah were here all the time. Luckily, she said she'll be here until it's time to go back at the end of August.

"Damn, Lennon," she says to me. "You've really improved since I left for college."

I shrug. "What can I say? Have to stay in shape for Juilliard."

Brady chuckles. "She isn't kidding. She trains every day, even on vacation."

"That's dedication," Sav replies.

"Or insanity," Brady counters.

I want to laugh with them, because Brady is right—I've always taken dance really seriously—but I can't seem to focus on anything when the music isn't playing. The way Cade looked the other night is still burned into my brain.

Normally, when I get up in the morning, Cade is already downstairs. That day, however, that wasn't the case. I even went to his room to check on him, but his door was locked. When I got home later on, he wasn't home. I haven't seen him since.

Savannah plops down on the floor next to me. "What's got you all lost in thought?"

"It's nothing."

She smiles. "Nothing? Is that Cade's middle name?"

Laying back on the floor, I sigh. "After the party, he apologized. And I don't mean some half-assed ‘I'm sorry.’ He sounded like he really meant it, but I wasn't ready to forgive him. Hell, I'm still not. But two nights ago, he came into my room in the middle of the night, drunk."

Brady tenses, and Savannah looks at me hesitantly. "Len..."

I shake my head. "No, no. Nothing like that."

She relaxes. "Okay, phew. Then what happened?"

"He slurred a couple things about me being pretty and how he's bad for me, and then he tried to kiss me. When I turned my head, he mumbled an apology and ran out."

Brady furrows his brows. "And you haven't seen him since then?"

"Nope. He was gone when I got back from Tessa's and hasn't been back since. I just can't get the look in his eyes out of my head."

They share a look, and Brady exhales. "It sounds like he's going through something."

"Yeah, but what?"

"I don't know, but I'd keep my distance if I were you. You don't want to get caught up in all that."

He's probably right. He usually is. But a part of me is worried about Cade. He may be an asshole, but no one deserves to be hurting. Knowing something is wrong makes an uncomfortable pit form in my stomach. Savannah must notice, because she holds me like the little sister she never had.

"Don't worry, I'm sure he'll be okay. Just focus on tonight, okay? It's Colby's birthday, right?"

I nod. "The party is tonight. Are you and Gray coming?"

"You know it." She winks at me and giggles as she gets up. "Leave it to you and Tess to end up being best friends with two NFL stars."

I snicker. "Trust me, it was all Tessa's doing."

"Somehow, that doesn't surprise me in the slightest."

I STEP OUT OF the shower, using the towel to wipe away some of the fog on the mirror. My hair is tied on top of my head, and I wrap the second towel around my torso. Colby's party is going to be filled with all the guys from the team, and while I have no intention of hooking up with anyone tonight, I should look my best. If it's anything like the parties he's thrown in the past, there will be pictures all over the magazines.

Stepping into my room, I find Cade leaning up against my bed. His eyes are dark—sinister—and my breath hitches at how exposed I am. He looks me up and down, licking his lips.

"Now, that is a sight," he growls.

As he comes toward me, I smell it. The alcohol on his breath, again. I take a step back but end up with my back against the wall. He cages me in and runs his hand up my side.

"Cade, stop," I plead.

He sighs. "Why? This is what we both want. I know it."

I press a hand to his chest to hold him back. "Because you're drunk."

"So what?"

I cock a brow. "What's wrong with you lately?"

He shakes his head. "Don't worry about it."

"I'm already worried about it!"

"Well fucking don't be," he snaps. "It's none of your goddamn business."

I lift a hand and run it over his cheek. Whether it's intentional or not, he leans into my touch. I try to study his expression, but there's something hidden in it. Something painful.

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