The Enemy - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,60

downright cruel, and even Bryce's reaction to it showed he thought the same.

I considered staying at Colby's again, but after spending one night there, I decided against it. This is my house, not Cade's. I'm stronger than to give him this power over me, and I won't let him take over my home. If anyone is leaving, it's going to be him.

As One Direction sings “Where Do Broken Hearts Go” into my ears, I nod my head to the beat and spin around. On the second rotation, someone catches my eye, and I let out frightened shriek. Cade leans against the doorway, watching me. I rip the pieces out of my ears and glare at him.

“Can I help you?”

He smirks and takes a step closer. “That depends. Is having you move like that against me an option?”

I put a hand up to stop him from encroaching in my personal space. “Not a fucking chance. After what you pulled last night, you're lucky I haven't set your room on fire.”

“Fair enough,” he chuckles. “Would an apology orgasm suffice?”

Is this dude for real? “No, asshole! I want nothing to do with you, so do both of us a favor and stay the hell away from me.”

I push past him and go to walk out when he stops me.


Turning around, a small piece of me hopes he's going to apologize, and not with sexual favors. Instead, he holds up my plate.

“You forgot your sandwich.”

I look at it with a grimace. “Keep it. After having to look at you, I lost my appetite.”

OVER THE NEXT COUPLE days, Cade does everything in his power to try and get me to talk to him, but I'm just not interested. He even goes as far as making me breakfast and leaving it on my nightstand. I didn't eat it, just on principle alone. Besides, it wouldn't surprise me if he poisoned it.

I'm getting ready for dance when I notice my bag is missing. I know I left it in the corner of my room where I always put it. My phone buzzes in my pocket—a text from Brady telling me he's on his way. Crap. Where the fuck is it?

It hits me like a slap in the face.


I roll my eyes and slam the door shut behind me as I march down to his room. My fist pounds harshly against the wood. When he opens it, I'm two seconds from punching that smug grin right off his face.

“Where is it?” I ask, pushing my way inside.

His brows raise. “Oh, so you're talking to me now?”

“Cut the shit, asshole.” I glance around the room and then turn back to him. “My dance bag. Where is it?”

“White duffle? Your name embroidered in rose gold on the side? Looks like it was expensive?”

I nod, waiting for him to tell me where it is but instead, he shrugs.

“Haven't seen it.”

Remember when I stopped Colby from kicking his ass? Yeah, I shouldn't have done that. I should have cheered him on as he beat Cade into next Tuesday. A concussion might do him good—knock some sense into him.

I take a step toward him and use a hand to press him up against the wall. “I'm not messing around, Cadence.”

The name is meant to piss him off, but instead, it makes him smirk. “Oh, I'm in full name trouble. You know, I've never liked that name, but it sounds kind of sexy when you say it.”


“Mmm, yeah.” He bites his lip. “Scream it like that.”

This is pointless. “Ugh! Forget it. I'll just deal without it.”

I get halfway out the door when he grabs my wrist and pulls me back. Before I can stop him, I'm pinned between him and the doorway, with his body pressed up against mine. He smells like salt air and suntan lotion, and I hate the way my body reacts to it.

“I can't figure it out,” he murmurs softly.

My resolve is shaking, but I do my best to keep my composure intact. “Figure what out?”

“Whether you're actually angry, or just masking your desire with hate.”

Honestly? It's probably an equal blend of both, but there's no way in hell I'm admitting that to him. Fool me once, shame on you. There won't be a second time. I'll make damn sure of that.

I use all my strength to push him off me. His back hits the other side of the door jamb and he doesn't care to try again. My eyes rake over his face and down to his abs that Copyright 2016 - 2024