The Enemy - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,24

crowd at one particularly loud and familiar scream to see Delaney standing on the bleachers and celebrating her twin sister's successes.

Principal Hyland is right; the stuff she went through was the worst kind of nightmare. At one point, I thought I was going to lose her, but she's fierce. It took a lot for her to admit she needed help, but now, she's thriving, and shining, and I couldn't be prouder.

They call each of our names to come up and get our diplomas, and when we're done, the whole class throws their caps in the air. It's a tradition that everyone does, but no one ever thinks about when they come back down. I shield my head to protect myself from the onslaught of flying graduation caps. Tessa laughs and pulls me into her arms.

“We did it!”

I chuckle. “We did!”

It takes a little bit until we find our families, but we finally manage. They're all standing together, which is strange to see. Asher, being ten years Tessa's senior, is standing next to Tess's dad. I don't think I've ever seen them together, and I never expected to. My best friend’s relationship with her dad is a strained one, but they're working on things.

A flash of brown hair flies past me and almost tackles Tessa to the ground. Tess laughs as she hugs her sister. I didn't even know she was in town, and judging by the happy smile on Tessa's face, I don't think she did either.

“Congratulations, Little Lennon,” Colby says, giving me a hug.

I cringe. “Okay, that nickname has to go. I'm eighteen now. I'm not so little.”

He chuckles and rests his arm on top of my head, showing me how short I am. “You're always going to be Little Lennon. Sorry, babe.”

I roll my eyes playfully and shove him away from me. “You're lucky you're my best friend.”

“Aye!” Tess glares. “Nuh-uh.”

“Okay, other than you.”

Colby laughs. “Fake news. You're just using me for my house.”

Now that makes me smile. “Damn. You caught me.”

THE POOL IS GLOWING from all the lights Colby had put in when he moved into this place. The decorations are set up nicely, and the DJ is playing all the right music. It's the perfect celebration, and our entire class would agree as they mosey around the house. Half of them are just relieved to have graduated, while the other half are excited to be at Colby Hendrix's house.

I'm standing with Colby and Asher, with Kellan's arms wrapped around my waist, listening to Asher make fun of Colby for the time a girl bit his dick. Colby shakes at the memory, smacking Asher in the stomach and telling him it was a very traumatizing time and how he still gets nervous during blow jobs.

“Now this is a party!”

A familiar voice booms across the yard, and Kellan tenses against me. I turn around to find Cade, flanked by the two friends I always see him with. He's looking right at me—strong, determined, and daring.

Of course, he's crashing my graduation party. Why did I expect anything less?



Bryce brings the joint to his mouth, inhaling deeply and holding it in. Jayden is already high as a kite and dancing to music that isn't actually playing. I considered smoking, but I think I have better plans for tonight.

“Are you two morons done?” I ask exasperatedly.

Bryce chuckles and lets out the smoke in the process. “What's got your panties in a twist?”

Not what. More like who. Seeing Lennon before she left for her graduation was the worst kind of torture. She's gorgeous even on her worst day, but the way she looked today was something else. The other people in the room didn't even occur to me. They didn't matter. Just her.

“Fuck off. I just want to get there.”

Him and Jayden share a look and try not to laugh. It's Jayden who finally breaks.

“Aw, Cade misses his girlfriend.” He goes to pinch my cheeks, but I slap his hands away.

I get up and grab my keys off Bryce's dresser. “One, she's not my girlfriend. And two, I'm not going there for her. I'm going there to get under Kellan's skin.”

Okay, so maybe the second part isn't entirely true, and these two assholes know that.

“Because you're pissed he's dating your girlfriend and you're not,” Bryce calls me out on my shit.

I roll my eyes and head out of the room. “If you're not in my car in three minutes, I'm leaving without your asses.”

WE PULL UP TO the fancy house, and honestly, Copyright 2016 - 2024