The Enemy - Kelsey Clayton Page 0,16

of his shirt and pull him into me. “Don't even go there. He's practically my step-brother.”

Kellan smiles before connecting our lips once more. His hand grips my waist and he hums into me, until Skye's voice pulls us apart.

“Yuck. Get a room,” she teases.

Tessa snickers. “Kellan is just claiming his territory after finding out Lennon has a new man in her life. Her dad's girlfriend moved in along with her teenage son.”

“Oh,” she coos. “Is he hot?”

“You have a one-track mind, you know that?” Tess remarks.

Skye shrugs. “We can't all be dating football royalty. How is Asher these days? Regretting how he threw everything away for some high school chick yet?”

Tessa and I share a look and the two of us roll our eyes in unison. Thankfully, we don't even need to answer that before Tanner does it for us.

“Damn, Skye. Jealousy is not a good look on you.”

“I am not jealous.”

She is, and everyone knows it. Before it became a known thing that Tessa and Asher were dating, he was our English teacher, and Skye had a massive crush on him. I'm surprised there wasn't a puddle of drool around the desk every time she sat there. When she found out about him and Tessa, she was devastated. It's like she actually thought she had a chance—she absolutely didn't. It took Tessa weeks to break him down and get him to admit he wanted her too, and they had already had sex. Skye was never even on his radar.

“Are you still coming over for dinner tonight?” I ask Kellan.

He drapes his arm across my shoulders as we start walking toward first period. “Well, obviously. I have to meet this new beau of yours.”

I shake my head and playfully elbow him in the stomach. As if anyone could compare to Kellan Spencer.

WALKING OUT OF THE school, I'm pleasantly surprised when I find Colby parked at the curb. I know Tessa and I have plans with him and Asher today, but I didn't expect for him to pick us up. Kellan groans as soon as he sees him.

“Babe, how many times do I have to tell you? We're just friends.”

He sighs. “I know. It just sounds like a double date.”

I roll my eyes. “It's not even a date for Tessa and Asher, let alone a double. Tess and I are just planning our graduation party, and being as it's at Colby's house, he kind of needs to be there.”

It looks like he wants to fight me on it some more, but instead he gives in and nods. “All right. I'll see you later?”

“Six o'clock. Don't be late.”

He presses a soft kiss to my lips. “I won't.”

With a warning look at Colby, he walks away and toward his own car. Tessa laughs as she loops her arm with mine and we make our way down the steps. Colby pulls his gaze from my boyfriend and over to us.

“Should I be worried he's going to slit my throat in my sleep?”

I chuckle. “I mean, it's possible.”

He holds his hands in front of his body as I go to hug him. “Better not show me any kind of affection. He might cut my balls off.”

“And God forbid Colby Hendrix loses his balls.”

“They're the most important part of my body.”

Tessa and I both give him a look, waiting for him to change his answer. He laughs.

“Okay, second most important part.”

My grin widens. “That sounds more accurate.”

We all climb inside Colby's car, with me taking shotgun and Tessa sitting in the back. Colby puts the car in drive and pulls out onto the road.

Halfway through the drive, Tess and I are talking about potentially getting a bounce house like we're a couple of children, but this is the last chance we have to be kids. This summer in general needs to be epic.

“Have you ever had sex in a bounce house?” Colby questions, making Tessa choke on air.

I cock my head in thought. “Why would I have done that? Why have you done that?”

He shrugs. “I hooked up with a single mom after her kid's birthday party a couple years ago. It was the only place we didn't risk getting caught.”

A small tinge of jealousy settles in my stomach—the same one that always seems to come any time he mentions another girl. I do my best to shove it away, just like I do every time.

“Are you ever not such a pig?”

A wide smile stretches across his face, making his dimples come out to play. “What Copyright 2016 - 2024