The Endless Road to Sunshine - Nicky James Page 0,17

both laughed and glanced back at Dr. Palmer.

“He looks constipated,” Hunter said.

“Maybe his diet is lacking in fiber.”

“Yeah, sure. That’s gotta be it. The man hasn’t shit in over a month, and it makes him testy.”

“Bowel issues are no joke.”

“How do you even say that with a straight face?” Hunter looked thoughtful for a moment, then wagged a finger. “What if it’s marital issues?”

“No ring.”

“Hence the issues part.”

“I refuse to believe it.”

Hunter laughed. “You just want him to be gay and single.”

“Hell yeah. I can dream, can’t I?”

“Dream away, pretty boy. You know, maybe he has unresolved childhood issues and came to a psychology class to learn how to work them out before he decided to murder his whole family and go on the run. Oh, wait!” Hunter sat up, vibrating with excitement. “I’ve got it. I bet he has daddy issues.”

“Dude, fuck you. I have daddy issues, and I don’t act like that.” I hitched my chin at the surly professor in the back row.

“Yeah, not everyone is a ray of sunshine like you.”

I sighed. “Truth.”

“Actually, in all seriousness, I heard rumors he was fired from his old job.”


Hunter shrugged.

“Why would they hire him here, then? Where did he work before?”

“No idea. It’s just rumors. Might not be any truth to them, but it could explain his attitude.”

Maybe. I checked the time on my phone. The class was about to start at any minute. If I was going to act, it had to be now before the teacher showed up.

I glanced at my best friend. “Okay, I accept the mission.”

“Wait, what mission? What are you talking about?”

“I’m going to make it my goal to find out what makes sexy Dr. Jaxon Palmer so growly, and if I should happen to wind up in bed with him, I will accept that.”

“Oh, yeah, a true sacrifice.”

I grinned salaciously. “Darn right, baby. Wish me luck.”

“You’re crazy.”

“Maybe, but you know what I’ve learned in life? If you don’t take risks, you’ll never know what could have been.”

I snagged my backpack and slinked out of the row and into the aisle, making my way to the back of the room and the hot history professor who’d occupied my mind since the first day I’d seen him.

When I fell into the seat beside him, Dr. Palmer startled like he’d been far away, lost in thought. His frown deepened.

Before he could open his mouth, I flashed him one of my more winning smiles and leaned in, speaking in a whisper. “Fancy meeting you here. It’s Jaxon, right? Can I call you Jaxon? You know, since we aren’t in class.” I glanced around. “Well, not in your class. This is a class, which leads me to my next question. Why are you here?”

He pressed his lips together, his brows knitting as he put more space between us, leaning in the opposite direction while scanning the room. “It’s Dr. Palmer.”

“That’s disappointing. And?”

He turned his scowl in my direction. “And what?”

“Why are you here? I mean, if you’re a fellow student, then I can’t see why we can’t be on a first-name basis. I’d be tickled if you called me Sky. All my friends call me that.” I rested my chin on my upturned palm and leaned against the armrest between us.

“Mr. Dawson, right?”

I lit up. “You do remember me. That’s—”

“Mr. Dawson, how about you return to your seat with your friend over there. Class will be starting soon.”

“I think I’ll stay here.” I leaned back and unpacked my tablet, ignoring the blatant glare coming from my right. “So, Jaxon. You’re a new hire. Where did you used to teach?”

“It’s not important.” He shuffled, crossing an ankle over his knee and frowning at something I couldn’t see. “And it’s Dr. Palmer.”

“I think this class will be fascinating, don’t you? I mean, not nearly as fascinating as your class, of course, but who wouldn’t want to pick apart a criminal’s mind and figure out what makes them tick? I was watching the Jeffery Dahmer series on Netflix. Have you seen it? It’s creepy, man. This guy used to—”

“Please don’t.” His voice came out strangled, and his jaw ticked.

I stopped, but I wouldn’t be dissuaded from my mission. “Sorry. No offense intended. I think your class sounds fascinating too. It was my first choice. I already devoured the textbook. I’m one of those highlighter-happy people who have no qualms about marking up a book. That and I have to have an actual book in my hands. Can’t do a digital book. Copyright 2016 - 2024