Endless Lies (Lies #6) - Ella Miles Page 0,57

you love me?”

“More than I should.”

“Then my heart will never have to break.”


“No, I refuse to let you die. We’ve survived too much, you and I.”

I kiss her, showing her how much I need her no matter what.

I know I can’t control the world. I don’t have any real power over whether she lives or dies, but I’m a stubborn bastard. And for however long I have left with her, I won’t waste one second.

She moans into me.

I push her lips apart, dipping my tongue into her gasping mouth.

I grab her legs and wrap them around my waist as I carry her toward the house. I don’t know if I can make it to a bed, but I don’t want to fuck her on the deck.

She devours me with her mouth as I throw open the door and step inside. She’s ripping my button-down shirt while my hand is frantically dipping beneath her sundress, feeling her moisture spread over her panties.

“Jesus, can you at least wait until I leave a room before you fuck her? I’ve seen you fuck more times than I need to,” Corbin says as he starts to rush out of the room.

We chuckle into each other’s mouths as we kiss.

“And Langston, you’re welcome!” Corbin shouts as he jogs down the hall. “I’m sorry, Liesel!”

Liesel frowns. “The bastard. He was supposed to keep his word, so you didn’t have to suffer.”

I shake my head as I rub my cock between her legs as we fall onto the couch. “No, I’ll never suffer as long as I’m with you. You’re wrong to think that you dying would somehow make my life easier.”

I unzip my pants and ease my cock into her as she arches her back. Her eyes are hungry with need. She kisses me hard, which will make it hard for me to get the words out that I need to.

“I never wanted to love you. I tried for so long to not love you because I thought it would save you. In the end, it only cost me time with you. There was no way I couldn’t fall for you,” I say.

A tear brushes her cheek again.

I kiss it away.

“I never wanted to break your heart, but I’ve always loved you since you became my killer.”

“I’ve loved you since I watched you hunt a spider and needed my help to kill it. But break my heart, huntress. Break it a thousand times if you must. Loving you will always be worth the heartbreak. Just promise me this—you’ll let me love you for as long as we both have left. Love me as long as we are both living.”

“I promise to love you and let you love me for as long as I live.”

“I’ll love you even when you’re gone. But I don’t accept that you’ll be the first to die. I don’t accept that either of us will die anytime soon. We have a lot of lost time your father cost us to make up for. Our forever won’t end anytime soon.”

And then I show her how much I love her by making love to her. Over and over and over. So loudly that we drive Corbin out of the big house.

She thinks this is the end of our story, that the end is near. We won’t get our happily ever after.

Maybe she’s right.

But I’m a believer that love can conquer all.

Our love is the greatest love story that’s ever been told—call me biased.

Our story doesn’t end with her slipping away in my arms before she turns thirty.

Our story is endless, and I’ll fight every day to ensure it. We’ve fought the world before and won. Why should this be any different?

I look into her eyes; she doesn’t believe me. It doesn’t matter. Liesel may be right most of the time, but this time she’s wrong. I’m right.

“Do you want to make a bet?” I ask.

She frowns. “A bet?”

“We are going to live happily ever after, for a very long time.”

She smiles sadly. “What do I get if I’m right?”

“The ability to haunt my ass and ensure I’m never with another woman again.”

It makes her laugh.

“And if I win, I get whatever I want. Deal?”

“Deal,” she agrees.

“Good. I plan on winning.”

She kisses me rather than continue our conversation, but when we are eighty and sitting in our rocking chairs together after living a long and happy life together, I’m going to collect on our bet.

First Epilogue


One Year Later

“Mom!” Declan yells.

All three of my kids are running

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