Endless Lies (Lies #6) - Ella Miles Page 0,27

hips and yanks her to him as their lips clash together. Her mouth is open at the abrupt change, and his tongue slips into her mouth.

She moans like she’s trying to convince her body to accept his. At least, that’s what I tell myself. She can’t possibly be enjoying the kiss.

Their eyes close, and they angle their heads, allowing for a deeper kiss. Their tongues dart in and out of each other’s mouths. Liesel’s hands grip his shirt, holding him firmly to her, while Corbin’s hands slide up and down her hips.

Every move, touch, kiss is like a paper cut to my skin. Tiny little stings singe all over my body, but none of them are deep and merciful enough to finish me off. Watching the woman I love with another man, pretending to care for him, is the worst kind of torture.

I want to run in and save her, but I realize the best way to save her is to watch from a distance. I won’t let her die or bleed out, but she’s strong enough to do whatever it takes to get her son back. I have to let her take the lead. I have to support her. That’s what loving her means right now.

Eventually, I close my eyes, blocking out the sight, but the sound…god, the sound is so much worse. The moans, the sighs, the smacking of their lips together produces worse images in my head than the actual sight.

Suddenly, the sounds stop.

I blink my eyes slowly, allowing them to open.

They are taking their seats back at the table, and her father has a calculating expression. I don’t know what he saw when he looked at the two of them together. Did he see the lies, what they pretended to show him? Or did he see the truth as I did?

There is no way for Liesel to fall for another man as long as I walk this earth. Even if she wanted to, our love holds us captive. We are in a prison together with unbreakable walls.

I don’t know what he sees, but whatever it is, he’s pleased with it.

“Let’s continue,” he says.

He moves a piece on the board.

Then she does.

I’m not much of a chess player. I have no idea who has the advantage or how much longer this will take for her to win. But I have complete confidence she will be victorious.

I want to break out of this room and run and find her. I want to drag her out of here to a safer place. For once, I don’t listen to what I want. I don’t give in to my protective urges to save her.

Instead, I work on the ropes tying my hands behind my back. I loosen them enough so I can easily slip out of them, but not enough to arouse suspicion from the guards.

Then I watch the screen and wait. I wait for her to win, for her to get her son back. I wait for the moment I’ll get them all out of here, praying it comes soon because I’m not sure I’m strong enough to wait very long.



That kiss felt like a dream. No, a horrible nightmare. It stirred nothing inside me. My body didn’t flush. I didn’t grow wetter. I didn’t come alive in his arms.

In fact, I was bored as hell kissing him. I had to remind myself of the motions, the mechanics of kissing. I had to remember to make the sounds, to tilt my head, to open my lips wider to allow him in.

It made me realize that if I were to somehow survive my fate, but Langston didn’t live on, living without him wouldn’t be worth it. I would never again feel alive.

Good thing I won’t be surviving then. I’ll never have to suffer living in a world without color, a world without Langston. I don’t know how I’d endure for even a day.

But Langston will have no choice. I should have been focused on helping him to fall for another woman because not loving me won’t be enough. I can’t just make him hate me; I have to make him love another woman before I go. Unfortunately, there is very little time to make that happen.

We return to the game, and once again, I’m faced with having to take another piece in order to win the game.

My father notices my hesitation. “From this point forward, we finish the chess game first. Then, you complete all the final challenges at once.”

His voice

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