Endless Lies (Lies #6) - Ella Miles Page 0,11

keep them safe,” I say, hoping she doesn’t realize my omission.

“Thank you,” she sighs. “Can you put one of them on? I miss them.”


I glance at the time. It’s after nine at night at my beach house. “Sorry, they’re asleep.”

“Oh, right. Of course, they’re asleep. How is everyone doing? How are you feeling?”

“Everyone is good. I’m good. Liesel, tell me why you called.”

She hesitates as if she’s deciding better of it.

“If I tell you, you have to promise me to stay there with the kids. You can’t come. I’ve got this.”

“I know you’ve got this. You’re the strongest woman I know. Now, will you tell me so you can go rescue Declan?”

“Corbin had the final clue. I was able to put it together with my half of the letter to figure out the location.”

“Where?” I ask too quickly.

“Well, that’s the thing. I only have part of the information. I think you have the other half.”

“Okay, I don’t think there was much left on the letter that we haven’t already used.”

“Anything that might have a clue about Russia?”

“Russia?” I say out loud.

Maxwell’s eyebrows jump.

“Yes. But we don’t know where exactly. Moscow is a big city, and we don’t know where to start.”

“Moscow,” I say, thinking about the note while letting Maxwell know where we are headed.

He nods and turns, driving us back toward the airport.

I read through the note in my head, trying to figure out anything that could help us.

“There were numbers written at the bottom—352. I don’t know what it means, but hopefully, it helps.”

“It does, thank you,” Liesel says, not explaining more.

“So you’re going to Moscow with Corbin then?”

“Yes, we have a deal. Don’t worry; we are on the same side at the moment.”

I frown, not liking that she’s trusting Corbin. “Don’t trust him. Do what you have to do, but don’t trust Corbin.”

The line is quiet.

“Promise me.”

“I promise. You promise me that you are going to stay with the kids?”

“I promise,” I lie.

We end the call.

I look to Maxwell. “We need to hurry and get to Moscow. If I know Liesel, they are already there. We are running out of time.”



I wipe my eyes, still moist with the tears at hearing Langston’s voice. I hadn’t realized until now just how much I worried that he wouldn’t survive.

“I have the info we need,” I tell Corbin.

Corbin nods stiffly, cleaning his gun. “Do you think he’ll follow us?”


“I figured. Maxwell thinks too fondly of you and couldn’t just tell the bastard to stay the hell at home.” Corbin stands suddenly and walks across the living room to me. “That complicates things. Langston can’t be there. He’s only going to make it harder for us to kill your father.”

“I know.”

“Then why did you tell him the actual location?”

“So I can save him.”

Corbin squints his eyes, not understanding.

“Trust me. This is the only way to stop Langston and to keep him from coming after us.”

“As long as we are on the same side and still have a deal, that’s all that matters.”

“We do.”

“Then, let’s go to Moscow.”

We walk into our one-bedroom hotel room in the center of Moscow. We used our real names to travel first class and, when booking the hotel, purposefully booking a room with one bed.

“You sure this plan of yours is going to work? I’m pretty sure it’s just going to get me killed once Langston thinks we are sleeping in the same bed,” Corbin paces.

I smirk. “Well, if he doesn’t come to try and rescue me tonight, you’ll be sleeping on the floor.”

He groans. “I haven’t slept on the floor since I was a kid.”

“Well, you might tonight, so you better hope Langston comes.”

Corbin unpacks his computer.

“Any movement on his tracking device?” I ask. Corbin had Maxwell put a tracking device on Langston when he dropped him off.

“Not yet, which means he’s probably in the air.”

We both stare at the screen, waiting for Langston’s dot to appear to tell us he’s in Moscow. We order room service and go over our plan again while we wait.

“You sure this is going to work? I’m not sure you have it in you to hurt him,” Corbin says.

I laugh. “After everything that Langston and I have done to each other, this is nothing. I fucking sucked your cock remember?”

His eyes darken, telling me he does, in fact, remember.

I swallow hard.

I fucked up.

He laughs at my reaction. “You’re so easy to mess with.”

My heart slows, but it just goes to show I still don’t trust this man. And as Langston

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