The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,66

dad called. Why?”

“Cameron loves you, Hailee. He needs you. I know it might not always seem like that, but we’re guys, we get shit wrong sometimes. Don’t give up on him, okay?”

Silence filled the line. I wanted to heed his words, to be a pillar of strength for Cameron and his family, but the truth was, I was scared... scared of what the future would bring for us.

“It was you, you know?” Jason’s voice grounded me.

“What was?”

“It was you and Cam that made me realize there’s more to life than football.”

I snorted. “You hated me back then.”

“I didn’t hate you, Hailee. I just...”

“Yeah, I know.”

We had a lot of history—a lot of bad history—but we weren’t those people anymore. Jason was one of the most important people in my life.

He was family.

“Cameron loves you and even if he tries to push you away or cut you loose, it’ll only be because he thinks he’s doing right by you. If his mom is sick again, and I really fucking hope she isn’t,” he let out a weary sigh, “you’re going to need to be his strength, Sis. Even when he doesn’t think he wants you to be.”

More tears flowed down my cheeks and I bit back a huge sob.

“You hear me?” Jase said. “You might not be a Ford, Hailee, but you are my sister in all the ways that matter. And we don’t quit, okay? We fight.”

“Yeah, okay.”

“Good, now go be with our guy. And tell him I’m here. Whatever he needs, all he has to do is call.”

“Thank you, Jason.”

“Anytime. Now brush yourself off and be the badass Hailee Raine I know you can be.”



His head snapped up and he was out of his chair in a second, rushing toward me and pulling me into his arms. “You’re here, thank God, you’re here.”

“How is she? What are they saying?”

“They’re still running tests.”

“Do they think it’s the same as before?”

He paled. “It’s the most likely scenario, Son.”


“But they said she was okay. She got the all clear.” Mom had the surgery and they’d gotten the tumor.

“We always knew this was a possibility, Cameron.”

Yeah, but how unlucky did someone have to be to have it come back? I couldn’t get my head around that. Hadn’t we dealt with enough already?


“He’s okay.” Dad squeezed my shoulder. “I checked in with Julia earlier.”

But I knew the truth. Xander wasn’t okay.

“It’s like he knew,” I said.

“Whatever do you mean?”

“It’s like he knew she was going to get sick again and that’s why he kept pushing her away.”

“Cameron, he didn’t know. He couldn’t have.”

Of course, I knew that. But it didn’t stop me wondering if he sensed something.

“Hailee,” Dad’s gaze moved over my shoulder.

“Hi, Clarke. I’m so sorry.” She didn’t think twice about hugging him.

“I’m glad you’re here.” Dad held her at arm’s length, offering her a warm smile.

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else.”

My chest squeezed, remembering the conversation we’d been having as my dad called. The conversation we still needed to have.

The conversation that would have to take a backseat.

“Shall I get us some coffee?” Hailee suggested. It was late, but I wasn’t leaving until I got to see Mom.

“That’s a great idea,” Dad said, digging out his wallet. “Here, let me—”

“Don’t worry, I’ve got it.” She offered him a smile.

“Thank you,” I said, and Hailee took off down the hall.

“I’m so glad she came with you, Son. You’re lucky to have her.”

He was right, I was.

Hailee hadn’t given coming with me a second thought. She’d gotten on her phone the second I told her I needed to get to Rixon ASAP.

But I couldn’t stop thinking about what she’d said earlier.

I couldn’t stop wondering if she was right.

It was almost eleven when they finally let us in to see Mom. The doctor confirmed that she’d had a seizure due to a new glioma.

My mom had another brain tumor.

I didn’t know what the fuck to do with that.

“I’ll give the three of you some space,” Hailee said as we reached Mom's room.

“Thank you.” Dad slipped inside, but I stayed back.

“I’m not sure I can do this again,” I confessed, my heart numb from the news.

“Sure, you can.” Hailee enveloped me in her slim arms. “You’re so strong, Cam. And I’m here, I’m right here. Whatever you need.”

I wanted to tell her to take me away from here. To hold me tight and never let go. But my dad needed me, my mom too. And Xander.

Fuck… Xander.

“This will destroy Xander.” I swallowed hard, dropping my gaze to Copyright 2016 - 2024