The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,62

times worse given how badly Xander had reacted when it was time for me to leave. It had taken almost two hours to calm him, and then I’d wanted to stick around and make sure he was okay, which meant I’d missed practice.

It was late, past ten.

The lingering smell of lasagna wafted down the hall. But it wasn’t until I entered the kitchen and saw the barely touched meal, I knew I’d fucked up twice today.

Our small table was set for two, complete with candles and wine glasses, and a glass of freshly cut flowers. Trudging to the refrigerator, I was hardly surprised to find a bottle of wine chilling and a container of our favorite dessert from the restaurant across the street. Hailee had gone to a lot of trouble, yet, she’d never said a word.

Because she wanted to surprise you, asshole.

I let out a frustrated groan. I hadn’t texted. After sending the initial text to say I was leaving, I’d been so caught up with Xander and then my own thoughts, I’d completely forgotten to text her.

Pulling my lifeless cell phone out of my pocket, I plugged it into a power outlet and waited for it to come to life.

I had text after text from Hailee.

Hailee: It’s me. You said you’d be home by now but you’re not here and your cell is ringing out. Let me know you’re okay.

Hailee: Since you’re still not answering, I called your mom. She said you left Rixon at one. What the hell, Cameron? You texted me at eight this morning and said you were leaving. What is going on?

Hailee: I consider myself a pretty understanding person... but what the actual fuck, Cameron? It’s almost nine-thirty and I’m going to bed. Not that I imagine I’ll get any sleep because my boyfriend is unreachable, and no one has spoken to him all day.

Guilt trickled down my spine. It seemed so fucking inexcusable now, but at the time, after leaving Xander, all I’d wanted was some time with my thoughts. One hour had turned into two and two into four. I’d made one quick stop for gas and to use the restroom and then got back on the road.

I hadn’t stopped to think about Hailee.

I hadn’t stopped to think about anything besides my kid brother back home, breaking his heart because I was leaving him again.

It was all I could think about.

And, in this moment, I realized how screwed up that was. I’d taken a lot for granted these last few weeks. Hailee. The team. My classes.



I glanced at the table again. She’d planned an entire romantic evening and I hadn’t even fucking called her to tell her the change of plans.

With a heavy heart, I moved through the apartment to our bedroom. It was quiet, but nothing could have prepared me for the sight of Hailee asleep on the top of the bed, clutching a pillow, her new lingerie accentuating her womanly curves.

She hadn’t just planned a romantic meal; she’d planned a night of seduction. Probably in hopes of rekindling our usually healthy sex life. But with everything lately, I was normally too exhausted.

In fact, I couldn’t remember the last time we were intimate. I wracked my brain. There had been the night a few weeks back, against the wall. Surely it hadn’t been that long?


I’d royally fucked up.

“Way to go, Chase” I grumbled to myself. She’d fallen asleep crying, that much was obvious, and it cracked my heart wide open.

“I’m sorry.” I moved nearer, brushing the hairs from her eyes. Hailee stirred but didn’t wake, so I wiggled the covers free from underneath her body and pulled them up over her.

“I’ll make this up to you, I promise,” I whispered.

Because I would.

One way or another, I would find a way to show Hailee how much I loved her.


When I woke up, Hailee was gone. The bedsheets were cold and the hole she left was vast.

I ran a hand down my face before leaning over and grabbing my cell phone off the nightstand.

Me: I’m sorry.

I waited.

And waited.

But nothing came.

I didn’t blame her. Roles reversed, I’d be pissed too.

My fingers flew over the screen.

Me: I’ll make it up to you, I promise.

My cell pinged, but it wasn’t the name I wanted to see.

Jase: What the fuck did you do to my sister?

Jesus. She’d told him? Okay, I knew the likelihood was that Hailee had told Felicity and she’d told Jase, but still, I didn’t like thinking they all knew what a selfish asshole Copyright 2016 - 2024