The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,57

“Thanks, Coach,” I mumbled, before tearing off my helmet and jogging toward the tunnel. I needed a shower and then I needed to find the one person who could make it all go away.

Not even an hour later, I filed out of the stadium to find Hailee, Xander, and my parents waiting for me.

“Congratulations.” My girl rushed into my arms and wrapped herself around me. “You were amazing.”

“I don’t feel so amazing. Their defense are like giants.”

She stepped back, narrowing her eyes. “Are you okay?”

“Nothing a little TLC from my favorite girl won’t cure.” I leaned in to kiss her, forgetting we had an audience.

Until my brother made a retching noise.

“Get over here, squirt,” I said, crooking my finger. Xander came willingly, wedging himself between Hailee and me.

“We need to talk,” she mouthed, flicking her eyes to him.

Dread snaked through me.

Something had happened.

“Are you okay?” I mouthed back, and she nodded, but there was a sadness in her expression that had alarm bells ringing.

But in true Hailee fashion, she pasted on a smile and said, “Right, who wants ice cream?”

“Can I have sprinkles?” Xander slipped out of my arms and stared up at us.

“Of course you can, buddy. You can have whatever you want.”

“I want three flavors.”

“You got it, Xan.”

We moved over to where Mom and Dad were hovering. “Congratulations, Son.”

“Thanks, Dad.”

“You pulled out a nice play at the end.”

“Coach almost blew a gasket.”

“I bet. But it paid off.”

“Come here, sweetheart.” Mom pulled me into a hug. “I’m so proud of you.”

She told me every time we were together. It was as if after her illness she wanted to treasure every moment, imprint every memory. She was healthy now, but I guess something like that changed you.

I knew it had changed me to some extent.

“The team not celebrating?” Dad asked as we headed for their SUV.

“Yeah, there’ll be a party or something.”

“You can always go after we—”

“Don’t do that,” I said. “I want to be here, with you guys.” My arm slipped tighter around Xander.

“You’re a good man, Cameron.” Dad squeezed my shoulder.

“Thanks.” Emotion clogged my throat, but it was nothing compared to the way my heart squeezed at how tight Xander clung to me as we made our way across the parking lot.


“Is he asleep?” I asked.

“Yeah, finally.”

“Come here.” Crossing the room to Cameron, I pulled him into my arms. “It’s going to be okay.”

“Is it?” His voice cracked. “Because I’m not sure anymore.”

Xander had wanted to stay with us at the apartment, so we’d agreed he could. Karen and Clarke had watched on with a mix of dejection and relief as we left their car and made our way into the building. They were staying at a hotel two blocks over, but would join us for breakfast in the morning.

“Tell me what he said to you at the game.” Cameron stared down at me with so much pain, I wanted to take it from him.

“He asked if we were getting married...” I took a deep breath, knowing how greatly my next words would affect him., “and then he asked if he could move in with us.”

“Fuck, he said that?”

I nodded, giving him some space to digest things.

Cameron ran a hand over his head and cupped the back of his neck. “What am I supposed to do here?”

“You just keep doing what you’re doing. Xander knows you love him, Cameron. He knows your mom and dad love him. He’s just a little messed up right now, but he’ll grow out of it.”

“Will he?” Cam dropped down onto the edge of the bed, burying his face in his hands. I sat beside him, offering my comfort if he needed it.

“You know, tonight, at the game, I wanted it. I wanted to go pro. I don’t know what happened. One minute, I was worrying about Xander and my parents and you, and the next, I was so wrapped up in the game...”

“Hey, don’t feel bad.” I cupped his face, forcing him to look at me. “You should never feel bad for wanting to follow your dreams, Cam. Ever.”

“I still can’t believe he said he wants to live with us.”

“It’s like he’s waiting for you to go home.”

“I know.”

“Do you want that?” I asked, unsure I wanted the answer. “To go back to Rixon?”

“I just want to help him.”

“Even if it costs you your dream?”

He let out a weary sigh. “You’re looking at me like it’s not only my dream I’m sacrificing.”

My stomach knotted. “So, you are considering giving everything up?” The Copyright 2016 - 2024