The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,43

true, all you have to do is ask me.”

His eyes widened a little, fear glittering there.

“I know it’s scary,” I spoke gently. “I know you haven’t spoken to anyone in a really long time, but you don’t have to be afraid anymore, okay? The Hansons are a good family. They want you and your brothers to feel safe.

“It doesn’t have to be today or the next time we meet, but I’d really like it, if, one day, you use your voice to ask me for the envelope.”

Hugo studied me, his murky brown eyes fixed on mine. I wanted to know what he was thinking, what he saw when he looked at me. But I knew it wasn’t that simple. In this field, patience was your best friend. Progress was often made in baby steps, and just when you thought you were moving forward, something would happen to set you back again.

“Do you think you can give it a try? I’ll put the envelope over there for safe keeping, and when you’re ready to ask me for it, I’ll be right here waiting.”

Hugo shifted on his chair and I hated that it was because I was pushing him into a state of discomfort. But I’d read up a lot on selective mutism and it often came hand in hand with social anxiety disorder. Overcoming it wasn’t going to be easy, but he was still young. With the right interventions and support, there was no reason why Hugo couldn’t slowly regain his speech and confidence.

But then he looked at me again, and although he didn’t nod, I saw his answer.

Hugo would try.

And I would wait.


“I’m sorry I missed your dad,” Mya said as we lay in bed.

“It’s okay. Rough night?” She’d gotten home a little after ten.

“I offered to stay and help Sally clean up.”

“Of course you did.” I smiled, stroking her warm skin. “How did it go with the kid?”

“I’m not sure yet. But I’m hoping it’ll reach him.” She snuggled closer. “So what brought your dad to Philly?”

“I wanted to talk to him, and he offered to drive up.”

Mya rolled onto her stomach, gazing up at me. “What did you need to talk to him about?” Her nose scrunched up.


“Things.” Her brow arched with suspicion, and I chuckled.

“I wanted to feel him out about opening a second branch of his business here.”

Her eyes went wide. “You did?”

“I was serious about what I said, Mya. You want to put down roots here, and if I’m going to work for the family business, that doesn’t just happen overnight. We’d need to find premises, employ a team, source clients.”

“Wow, you’ve really given this a lot of thought.”

I reached for one of her spiral curls and twirled it around my finger. “Coach asked me today about going pro. Said I have a shot—”

“Ash,” she frowned, “I don’t want you to give up that dream for me.”

“It isn’t just about you. It’s about me too. And honestly, I don’t want it. I love football, but it’s not my life. You are.” Her breath caught, but I wasn’t done. “I know we’re young, and I know you probably think I’m crazy for even talking about starting a family, but I want that. I want a life with you.”

“Actually...” Mya pressed her lips together and looked up at me through her thick lashes. “I’ve been doing some thinking myself…” She hesitated. “How do you feel about fostering?”

“As in fostering kids?”

“No, puppies.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course, kids. I was talking to Sally tonight and she was telling me all about the family who have taken in Hugo and his brothers, and what they’re doing... it’s incredible. I always thought the way I could help and make a difference was to be out there in the community, working at grass roots level. But maybe this is something else to consider.”

“I’m not going to lie, babe, I don’t know the first thing about fostering. Don’t you have to be settled? Have a good job, a house, that kind of thing?”

“There is eligibility criteria, yes. But it isn’t as rigid as you think. You have to be over twenty-one and have a stable living arrangement, but the rest is pretty flexible.”

“Fostering, huh?” I didn’t know how to feel about opening up my home to a kid who wasn’t mine. I’d always imagined we’d start a family with a baby, our baby.

“It’s not something we have to decide or even talk about yet. I just think it’s something I might Copyright 2016 - 2024