The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,32

Mya onto her back, slamming inside her, so deep she cried my name. Threading our fingers together, I pressed our hands beside her head as I pulled out and rocked back in, over and over, driving us to the point of sweet ecstasy.

“I’m close.” She raked her fingers down my spine, moaning into my ear as I trailed hot wet kisses down her throat.

A familiar tingling started at the bottom of my spine just as Mya pulled me deeper into her body, locking her legs around my hips and shuddering around me.

I kissed her deeply as I fucked her into complete submission.

Nothing... nothing would ever feel as good as this.

Except maybe our wedding night.

Or the day I watched her birth our kids into the world.

Okay, so I was a little more than ahead of the game. But I was a Bennet. I had a game plan. One that included me and Mya and a happily-ever-after.


Sunlight framed Asher’s face, making him look angelic. Although the way he’d loved my body last night was nothing short of sinful. A shiver ran through me just thinking about how he’d flipped me onto my back and fucked me as if it was the last time he would ever get to be inside me.

I let my fingers linger on his chest, tracing his cut abs, loving how warm his skin was. Sometimes it was hard to believe this was my life. I was halfway through my bachelor's in social work and living in an amazing building with my boyfriend. It was a far cry from life in Fallowfield Heights. But I’d earned it. I’d made sacrifices and worked my ass off to get here.

Asher, and all that came with being his girlfriend, was just the icing on the cake.

“You should probably move a little lower.” His voice was thick with sleep.

“No can do, I’m meeting Faith for a run.” I dipped my head and kissed him. It was supposed to be a chaste gentle peck, but when I tried to pull away, Asher buried his hand in my thick curls and captured my lips with his.

“Good morning,” he breathed, finally letting me up for air.

“Morning.” I smiled. I couldn’t help it. I was one of those annoying girls now, sickeningly in love with her boyfriend. A football player no less.

“Are you going to the gym with the guys?”

“Yeah, l think Aiden wants us there.”

I kissed him again. “Well, don’t work too hard.”

“What do you want to do later? I was thinking we could get dinner at Dukes or we could stay home and Netflix and Chill.” His brows waggled.

“Or... we could go to The Hideout for open mic night.”

“Yeah?” He frowned. “You enjoyed that?”

“What?” I batted his chest. “Faith is on the roster tonight and I want to support her.”

“But what about supporting me and my very, very,” he grabbed my hand and cupped it over his morning wood, “real problem?”

“You’re insufferable,” I chuckled.

“No, I’m just a guy in love with a girl.” Asher nuzzled my neck, sucking and licking.

“I know what you’re doing.” I tried to push him away.

“I have no idea what you mean.” He sucked harder, making blood rush to the surface, bruising me.

“Ash, you’ll make me look like—”

“You're mine. I’ll make you look like you're mine.”

With a heavy eye roll, I untangled myself from him and climbed out of bed before he could grab me again.

“Tell Faith we’ll be there,” he called, just as I disappeared into the bathroom.

Every time. I smiled to myself.

Every damn time.

“So you’re coming tonight, right?” Faith pressed her hands to her knees, breathing deeply.

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I smiled.

Faith and I had been friends since our first day of freshman year. We’d met in orientation and never looked back. Like me, she wanted to make a difference: to work with those less fortunate, and help kids flourish, despite their often dire circumstances.

Felicity and Hailee aside, she was my best friend. So of course, I was going to be at the poetry slam night at The Hideout later.

“Asher’s coming too.”

“You know, it’s cute that he wants to support you supporting me, but it wouldn’t hurt him to relax the reins now and again.”

My brows furrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’m just saying, he’s like your shadow. It’s... a lot.”

We stretched our calves before breaking into a gentle jog through Fairmount Park.

“We enjoy each other’s company. Is that such a crime?”

“No.” She chuckled, but it did little to ease the knot in my stomach. “I just Copyright 2016 - 2024