The Endgame Is You (Rixon Raiders #4) - L A Cotton Page 0,17

away, looking back one last time. He waved the napkin and mouthed 'Thank you' again.

“Jason, that was—”

“Don’t,” I breathed. I didn’t want tonight to be about football, but this was my life, and it would only get more intense as I progressed through college, moving ever closer to my NFL dream.

“Excuse me,” I signaled to the server, “can we get the check please?”

Despite our private table in the corner of the room, other people had started to glance in our direction. If we didn’t get out of here soon, there was every chance we’d never make it.

“I’m sorry.” I ran a hand down my face. “I thought we’d have more privacy.”

“This is your life, Jason, I understand.” There was a flicker of sadness in her voice that damn near gutted me.

“But I don’t just want it to be my life, babe. I want it to be our life. Look, I know things have been intense the last few weeks... but the team—”

“Are important, I get it. This is your dream. I knew what I was signing on for.”

Except she didn’t. No one truly could until they’d lived it.

“I guess I just feel like everyone has it all figured out. You’re doing amazing, and I’m so proud of you, Jason, I am. You manage the team, your classes. Hailee and Cameron are loving Michigan and have made a whole life for themselves. Asher and Mya are... well, they’re Asher and Mya, nothing fazes them.”

I didn’t like hearing Felicity talk like that, as if everyone had found their place except her. Especially not when her place was right by my side.

“We should go...” She grabbed her purse.

“Talk to me, please. I don’t want football to come between us, not tonight.”

“It isn’t just football, Jason, it’s... everything.”

Well, shit.

I’d known things were bad. But perhaps I’d underestimated how much.

“Look, let’s go back to the apartment and talk. I hate that you’re feeling like this.”

“Okay.” Felicity gave me a small nod.

I dug out my wallet and pulled out some bills, adding them to the check. “Come on.” I reached for her hand. “Let’s go home.


The night had been perfect. The restaurant was romantic with its sultry mood lighting and incredible views. The food was to die for. And being with Jason away from all the pressure of classes and the team was heavenly.

Until the stranger had approached asking for an autograph, and just like that the illusion came crumbling down around us, giving me a snapshot of what life with Jason would always be like. The more successful he became, the more recognized he became. The more recognized he became, the more the spotlight would shine down on him. And the more the spotlight shone, the more I wilted into the shadows.

“It’s chilly,” I said, as he held open the door for me and we spilled out into the inky night. Thanksgiving was in less than three weeks, and with it, the end of the football season.

Until next year.

“What are you—”

“Ford? What the hell, man,” Griffin ambled over to us, a small group of people trailing behind. “Fancy running into you guys.”

“Hey, Jason. We were just talking about you.”

My spine bristled at Shelly Halstead’s dulcet tone. She didn’t even look twice at me, fixing her overly made up eyes right on Jason.

“All good, I hope?” He gave a strained laugh, clutching my hand tighter.

“Oh, you know it.” She smirked, licking her lips seductively.

“We’re meeting Gio and a few of the guys at The Gridiron. You and Fee should come, hang out.”

“Actually, we’re just on our way home,” I said, giving Griffin a weak smile.

“Come on, one drink.” He pouted.

“You should totally come, Jason.” Shelly twirled a strand of hair around her finger. She couldn’t have been any more obvious if she'd tried.

But what did I expect?

Jason was the star... and I was invisible by all accounts.

“You should go,” I said before I could stop myself.

He gave me a confused look.

“Go, hang out with your friends. I’ll see you back at the apartment.”

“What are—”

I took a step backward right as Griffin and Shelly grabbed Jason and started steering him in the opposite direction. “We’ll return him to you in one piece,” Griffin called, but I was already hurrying away from them.

Tears burned the backs of my eyes as I folded my arms around myself and tried to fight the wave of emotion crashing over me.

“Felicity, wait...”

His voice gave me pause but it only made me angrier. It was irrational, I knew that. But I also knew Copyright 2016 - 2024