Endangered Species Endangered Species (Time Served #1) - Onley James Page 0,14

were just lying there practically panting into each other’s mouths, breathing each other’s air, and Webster was sure it would take almost nothing for him to come.

A strange thumping noise started from a distance, moving rhythmically closer. “What’s that sound?”

“Kramer. He always taps his nightstick on the door when he does headcount.” The way Cy looked at him made him a little nauseated. “Do you trust me, Nicky?”

Webster nodded without hesitation. “Yeah.”

“Good. ‘Cause I’m sorry about this.”

“About what?”

Cy didn’t answer, just flipped Webster onto his stomach like he weighed nothing, shoving their clothes roughly out of the way until they were bunched around their thighs. Cy laid on top of him, his semi-erect cock pressed against Webster’s bare ass. He slipped his hand over Webster’s mouth before he began rutting against him, grunting like it took effort.

Webster’s entire body flushed with humiliation. He’d thought he’d mentally prepared himself for this. Not just faking it but the real deal. There was nothing even happening between them, but something about this crude sexual mimicry brought back memories he’d thought were long since buried. Memories of things he absolutely refused to let himself think about, not now, not in this place where he was a target. And now, a victim.

Cy’s voice breathed against his ear. “I’m sorry, Nicky, but this would sell a little more if you at least pretended to fight back or made some noise.”

This had been his idea. He’d asked Cy to do this, or at least, he’d given him permission. The high panicked noises that started pouring from his mouth weren’t fake. His body was shutting down, his hands suddenly clawing at the mattress below, as he tried to buck Cy off of him, unable to breath between Cy’s hand over his mouth and his face half pressed into his t-shirt, his nose still swollen from the punch he took.

There was a loud bang on their door, but it sounded a mile away. And then Cy stopped moving, his hand sliding from Webster’s mouth. “I think we’re good,” he whispered, resting his cheek against the back of Nicky’s head. “I’m really sorry. We don’t have to actually do anything. That’s what I wanted to tell you earlier. We can just…fake it.”

Webster didn’t answer. He couldn’t. He didn’t know what he was feeling. Dizzy. Sick. Overwhelmed. Humiliated.

“Hey. Nicky? Are you okay?” Cy moved off of him, resting his back to the brick wall. Webster managed a stilted nod before rolling onto his side, facing away from Cy. As soon as he did, he realized he’d pressed his ass directly against Cy’s dick. “We’re good. The guards won’t come back by for another three hours, and they won’t be looking for anything after…what they just saw. The inmates usually stay quiet after this, too. So, you can sleep. You know?”

Webster nodded again but couldn’t say anything, trying to fight his way past a nightmare threatening to close in on him.


That was Cy’s voice, not some monster from a nightmare, not some bully he’d run into in foster care, or that piece of shit Dooley. It was just Cyrus. Cy was his safe place.

“Yeah,” he finally managed, throat raw after the sounds he was making just moments ago.

“Did…did I hurt you? I was just trying to sell it. I’m sorry if I got too aggressive.”

He sounded so remorseful that Webster couldn’t help but make excuses. “It’s not you. I just… I don’t know. It was nothing. So, we don’t have to do anything… We just have to fake it. Cool. Cool.” Cool? Jesus. He was babbling like an idiot.

There was a long silence, and then Cy’s hand slowly curved over Webster’s now bare hip. Cy nosed behind Webster’s ear. “Did you…want to?” he murmured in a low rumble that raised goosebumps along his skin.

The lump in his throat was back. “Did you?” he managed.

Cyrus rolled his hips forward, his now fully hard cock slotting between Webster’s cheeks. “What do you think?” Fuck, he was big. Webster couldn’t help but push back against it.

Webster had no idea how he’d found himself in that place, with Cyrus, after everything in his life had gone to shit in the span of just a couple of weeks. But there he was, once more with the one person he never stopped thinking about, the one person he would have almost guaranteed he’d never see again. And he was beautiful and, somehow, didn’t hate Webster even though he had every right to. Maybe that was why they were

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