Enchant the Night - Amanda Ashley Page 0,59

when the next attack would come, wondering if the next time it would be the Knight who walked away.

Chapter 24

“We need to get away from here,” Quill said.

“We tried that, remember?”

“I’m not likely to forget.” But they couldn’t go on like this. There seemed to be no end to the number of Knights of the Dark Wood. Although there were only thirteen active members of the Brotherhood at any given time, they seemed to have an unlimited number of initiates waiting in the wings, eager to shed the blood of his kind. Where to go? Perhaps the safest place was back to Northern California. The Knights wouldn’t expect them to return so soon, not after what had happened. On the other hand, maybe that would be the first place they looked.

“I need coffee,” Callie said. “Lots of coffee.”

Quill followed her into the kitchen. “The Knight couldn’t get into the house,” he mused aloud. “I know he tried because he stepped in a mud puddle in the backyard and left his footprints on the porch. I think my wards, combined with your magic, has made the house invincible.”


“If he could have gotten inside, I’ve no doubt he would have.”

Callie poured herself a cup of coffee, then looked askance at Quill, who shook his head. She leaned back against the counter. “So, where does that leave us? We can’t stay locked inside forever.”

“True. But if we can ward this house against them, why not a whole town?”

Callie stared at him, wide-eyed. “That would take an amazing amount of power, wouldn’t it? Wait a minute, do you mean this town?”

“No. I had another one in mind. There’s a little community in Montana that doesn’t get many visitors since the new freeway made a wide detour around the town. The place is surrounded by cattle ranches. The population is less than a hundred. Eight of my kind were living there the last time I passed through. They’re all young vampires with wives about your age. Between us, we should be able to ward their homes the way we did yours.”

“You want to move to Montana?”

“Temporarily.” He watched the play of emotions on Callie’s face as she weighed the pros and cons of what he was suggesting. Did she care for him enough to stay with him? And if she didn’t, what then? He didn’t want to leave her, yet his presence could be putting her life in danger. The Knights weren’t supposed to harm humans, but if they were willing to take Vivian prisoner, there was no telling what else they might do.


“All right. If you think it’s the right thing to do. But no house sitter this time. We’ll just lock up the place while we’re gone.”

* * *

Callie spent the next day packing, emptying the refrigerator, stopping the paper and the mail. She did her banking and paid her bills online, so her mail was mostly junk.

She packed two suitcases with clothes and a third with the grimoire and the other things her grandmother had left her. A wooden crate held the cat box, litter, dishes, and a bag of food. She made a quick run to the pet store for a pet carrier and she was ready to go.

Quill rose with the setting sun. Glancing at the covered furniture and suitcases, he said, “You’ve been busy.”

She nodded. “Are you packed?”

“I’ll get my stuff later. Are you ready to go?”

She lifted one shoulder. “I guess so. Wait! Where are we going to live?”

“I rented a house. And a car.”

The cat hissed at him from inside the carrier when Callie picked it up.

“All right, let’s go.” He picked up the largest suitcase, then wrapped his other arm around Callie’s waist. “I’ll come back for the rest of your stuff later.”

She nodded, then closed her eyes as his power washed over her. Ebony yowled as they were transported through time and space at blinding speed.

When Callie opened her eyes, they were in the middle of a large, rectangular living room.

Quill set her suitcase on the floor. “What do you think?”

“It’s lovely.” She did a slow turn. The walls were a pale gray, the furniture covered in a gray and blue plaid, the tables a gleaming cherry. A white brick fireplace took up the wall across from the front door. An arched doorway to the left led to the kitchen, a second arch to the right showed a wide hallway.

Setting the carrier on the floor, Callie lifted the latch and let the cat out. With

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