The Empty Nesters - Carolyn Brown Page 0,32

the past week had sure proven that a lot could happen in only a few hours.

“Okay, now I’m ready for a real breakfast.” Diana got up and swung her legs over the seat.

“And we’re all finished, so you can eat on the road,” Tootsie said.

“Fair enough,” Diana agreed. “And I’ll even volunteer to do the kitchen cleanup since I slept in a little longer than y’all did this morning.”

Carmen raised a hand. “If that’s the case, then I’ll have to help you, because I’m planning on eating another biscuit with strawberry jam in it. And I would love to go to that museum. Natalie and I have watched Gone with the Wind a dozen times.”

“I’ll wash and you can dry,” Diana suggested.

“I’ll take care of the paper plates out here and get things ready to roll.” Luke offered Diana his hand. When she took it, he pulled her up to a standing position. “You going to the museum?”

She shook her head. “No, I’d rather go with Tootsie to the antique stores.”

“Me, too.” He cleared the table and shoved the paper plates into the trash barrel.

“I’ll go with Carmen.” Joanie picked up the tray with the dirty coffee cups and carafes on it. “I love Gone with the Wind. That Scarlett is my kind of sass.”

Tootsie held the door for her. “Yep, she’s always been my idol, too.”

Carmen took the handle from Tootsie and followed her inside. “After the inspiration she gave you for your party dress, I’d love to see it sometime.”

“I’ll do you one better than just showing it to you,” Tootsie said. “You’re about the same size I am. When you get past all this divorce shit, I’ll let you borrow it to wear on your first formal whatever with a handsome hunk of a guy.”

“It’ll be rotten by then,” Carmen assured her. “Maybe you’ll wear it when you date again.”

Tootsie drained what was left of the coffee into her cup and turned off the pot. “Honey, it really would be rotted away to nothing if it’s waiting on me to wear it again. Smokey Colbert was my first and only love, and I’m too damned old to even look at another man. I’ve got you girls and your daughters to keep me busy. I don’t have time for anything or anyone else.”

“Hey, now. What about me? Don’t you have to look after me, too?” Luke asked as he entered the motor home.

“If you’ll move out of Houston to a place closer to me, I’ll include you in that.” Tootsie shook her finger under his nose.

“It could be arranged,” Luke said.

Diana wondered what it would be like if he lived closer. What if he asked her out? Would she accept?

Joanie poked her in the arm. “Your eyebrows are drawn down like you’re arguing with yourself.”

“You’re right. I was,” Diana answered.

“About what?” Tootsie asked.

“A crazy notion that would never work. You said you’ve got another book for Carmen when she finishes the one she’s reading. Can I read it? I promise I’ll get it done before she needs it.” Diana quickly changed the subject.

“Sure thing.” Tootsie headed to the back of the motor home.

They were on the road when Diana and Carmen finished cleaning up the breakfast dishes. Carmen headed to her bunk to read more of the book that Tootsie had given her. Diana went to her bed with the one that Tootsie lent her. She hoped that by reading she would forget about the way her heart had tossed in that extra beat when Luke’s shoulder had touched hers earlier while they were having breakfast.

Tootsie was glad for a door that closed, offering her a little privacy in the tiny bedroom in the motor home. She picked up Smokey’s picture and sat down on the bed. “Well, darlin’, I made it through the first two things without you. We went to the Old Smokey Cook-Off yesterday, and I stayed strong. The barbecue was good, but not as good as what you make. And it was real nice to have the girls and Luke with me. I’d have been lost out there in the crowd all by myself. And last night I saw Delores. We talked about the past, and I felt old and alone, probably like she has since Jimmy died. The difference is her kids are all scattered across the world, and ours are right here with me. I know they aren’t blood kin, but if we’d adopted like we talked about all those years ago, Copyright 2016 - 2024