Empire High Elite (Empire High #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,58

you want to come over after school?” I asked. I hadn’t gotten Kennedy on Mr. Pruitt’s list yet, but I had a feeling Miller would let me sneak her in. Maybe I could force her to take half the clothes that the stylist had given to me. Kennedy was taller than me, but we’d swapped clothes before. Besides, she liked her skirts and dresses shorter than I did.

“I’m still not really feeling that well. I think I’ll just head straight home after school.”

“Could I come over to your place then?” I asked.

She pushed around some applesauce with her spoon and didn’t look up.

“What are you doing, Sissy?” Isabella said from behind me.

Couldn’t she see that my best friend was distressed? Of course she couldn’t. Isabella only cared about herself. “Eating lunch,” I said.

“But you promised to eat with me and my friends, sillykins. I saved a seat for your bffl too this time. Come, ladies.” She turned on her heel and walked over to the Untouchables’ table. I saw the two seats beside Matt were empty. I could finally sit right next to him at lunch for the first time since Isabella had started blackmailing him. Or threatening to kill me. Or whatever the hell she was doing.

I pressed my lips together. But I couldn’t go over there. Not when Kennedy was mad at me. God, why had I even considered it? Isabella was a monster. I could hang out with Matt some other time. Today I was solely focused on making sure Kennedy was alright. “We don’t have to,” I said, but Kennedy was already grabbing her tray.

“No, I want to,” she said.

“You do? But there isn’t a seat for Cupcake.”

She laughed. “It’s fine, I can’t pass up the opportunity to watch Isabella in her natural habitat.”

At least she’d laughed. “If you’re sure it’s alright?” I said and stood up too.

“Absolutely. Plus, you’ll get to sit with Matt.”

I couldn’t even hide my smile as we walked over to their table. Matt looked up at me as I approached. He rubbed his nose and I’m pretty sure my smile grew. I sat down next to him and I realized I was holding my breath. I quickly exhaled and tried to pretend this wasn’t momentous.

“Hey,” James said. He was the first person to acknowledge my presence and I was grateful. “How was your weekend?”

Awful. Wonderful. “Weird,” I said.

He smiled.

“I heard you got into Harvard. Congrats.”

His smile faltered. “Thanks.”

“Congratulations are in order for me too,” Mason said as he lightly punched James’ shoulder. “He’s not the only one that got his letter.”

“Wow, that’s awesome,” I said.

Mason gave me his signature smile that had the whole female student body kneeling at his feet at parties. It didn’t have the same effect on me. It just made me feel uncomfortable. And reminded me that Mason didn’t know that I was dating his little brother.

“You seem surprised,” Mason said. “What, you don’t think I’m as smart as this guy?” He pointed to James.

“What? No. I…”

“He’s just messing with you,” Rob said. He leaned forward so he could see me from his seat on the other side of Matt. “What’s it like living with Isabella?” he asked.

“It’s so fun,” Isabella said, before I had a chance to say I didn’t really know because she’d been banished to the Hamptons. “Brooky’s the long-lost sister I’ve always wanted.”


Rob laughed. “What’s it really like, Sanders?”

Matt shifted in his seat, making his thigh brush against mine and distracting me from Rob’s question.

“Interesting,” I said. It came out as more of a question than anything and Rob laughed.

“You’re hilarious, Sissy,” Isabella said. “I’m always telling her that.”

What the hell kind of game was she playing here? I realized that in all the awkwardness, I’d forgotten to introduce Kennedy. “Oh and guys, this is Kennedy,” I said.

“You’re dating Cupcake, right?” Rob asked.

“Mhm.” Kennedy’s voice had never sounded so small before. I wondered if she truly was sick.

“Speaking of dating,” Isabella said and batted her eyelashes at James. “How’s your girlfriend handling the Harvard news?”

Matt had told me the other night that James’ parents were giving him an ultimatum. His girlfriend or Harvard. It was like Isabella had been waiting for the perfect time to make this jab at him. What was her problem?

James ran his fingers through his hair, looking more distressed than he had after I brought up Harvard in the first place.

I studied his face. Or did he just look…sad? I tried to view him like Matt did. The drinking.

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