Empire High Elite (Empire High #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,44

final destination of Matt’s face.

Miller immediately stopped laughing.

“Oh my God,” Kennedy said. “Cupcake, help him break it up.”

“There’s no way I’m getting into that,” Cupcake said as he helped himself to another sugarcake.

“What are you doing?” she shrieked and slapped the sugarcake out of his hand.

I tried not to pay attention to them as Matt slammed another punch across Felix’s jaw.

“Don’t you ever fucking touch my girl again,” Matt yelled.

“She doesn’t belong to you,” Felix said and elbowed Matt in the throat.

“Stop! Please stop!” I yelled. But they didn’t listen. Someone needed to stop them. I stepped forward, but Miller blocked my path.

“Just give me a second,” he said. He was able to pretty easily separate the two of them when he finally tried. Miller pushed them apart with a grunt. “That’s enough. Cut it out you two.”

Matt wiped the blood from the side of his mouth. “Why was he touching you?” He sounded so pained.

“Matt.” My voice cracked when I said his name. “You and me…we broke up.”

He shook his head. “Like hell we did. We had a disagreement. That doesn’t mean you go running into someone else’s arms without talking to me.”

I felt so small. And that was the whole problem. Something about being with Matt always made me feel small. At least when we were around other people. I didn’t want to have this conversation in front of everyone. Not now. Especially when he was kind of right. We broke up yesterday and I was already telling someone else that I loved them. There was seriously something wrong with me. It was like all my thoughts were colliding. I didn’t have an explanation for him. “Matt…”

“Come on. We’re leaving.”

“What? No.” I wasn’t going anywhere with him. I wasn’t even allowed to. “What are you even doing here?”

“You invited me,” he said.

“No I didn’t. And I think you should leave.” What was he talking about? I looked over at Felix and grimaced at the blood on the side of his jaw and his eye that was already swelling shut.

“You texted me asking me to come here,” Matt said.

I absolutely did not. Sure I had thought about it. But I didn’t actually do it.

He was staring at me like I’d lost my mind.

I grabbed my phone and looked down at the text message thread. I had indeed texted him. It was right there in front of me. But I had no recollection of doing it. “No.” I shook my head. “I didn’t write that.”

Matt looked over at Felix like he was about to attack him again.

“It wasn’t Felix either. I don’t…I don’t remember.” It felt like my head was spinning. And for some reason, I really wanted to laugh. Because Matt’s face was so serious. Everyone’s faces were so serious.

“What do you mean you don’t remember?” Matt said. “It was less than half an hour ago.”

“I…” I didn’t know what else to say. Maybe someone had stolen my phone. But I didn’t think Felix would do something like that. I looked over at Cupcake. If I had to guess one person who would steal my phone and text Matt randomly, I’d guess him. We were barely even friends.

“Matt, she asked you to leave,” Felix said. “So I’m not going to ask you again. Get out of my house.”

“Are you kidding me?” Matt sounded more pissed than ever. But he wasn’t looking at Felix. His eyes were trained on me.

I tried to take a step back as he took a step closer, but the back of my legs collided with the couch. What, was he mad that I was staring at Cupcake? I was trying to figure out what the hell was happening, not checking him out.

“Your pupils are huge,” Matt said. “What have you been taking?”

“Nothing.” What was his problem? First Cupcake implied that I looked huge. And now my pupils were big too? All men were jerks.

Matt drew even closer. “Have you been drinking?”

“No. You sound insane right now. I think you need to go home and chill out.”

Kennedy giggled. “Chill out, bruh.” She laughed again as she lifted up a sugarcake. “Do you want one? They make me happy. They’ll probably make you happy too.” She held it out to him.

Matt looked at the sugarcake in her hand and then down at the almost empty box of desserts. He grabbed it out of her hand. “Did you put something in these?”

“Um no, psycho,” said Kennedy. “What would I have put in them?”

Matt turned toward Felix. “What the

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