Empire High Elite (Empire High #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,110

us at school?

As if Isabella could read my mind, she shouted, “I’m so sorry about your clothes, Sissy. It was a moment of weakness. I’ll replace every single thing that Sir Wilfred destroyed.”

So we were going back to the dog lie?

“He’s just a baby! He doesn’t know any better.”

Mr. Pruitt told me it was Isabella and her friends. Why did she keep being fake nice to me?

“Besides,” said Isabella as she danced with Kennedy. “You look amazing in vintage. I’m sorry I ever said otherwise.”

That actually kind of felt genuine. Maybe because she was smiling at me like she wasn’t internally screaming at me.


“And blue really suits you.”

All the words were nice. But I couldn’t trust her. She was hateful.

“Come on,” Isabella said. “What can I do to make you forgive me? I want us to start over. To be real sisters.”

My first instinct was to tell her to bite me. But I was worried she actually would. Or that she’d get Sir Wilfred to bite me. “I’m just going to need some time,” I said.

“Time. Well, we all have plenty of that.” She started hopping up and down with Kennedy.

No we don’t. We never had enough time. I blinked fast, trying not to think about my mom and my uncle. Someone like Isabella didn’t understand how precious time was.

It was too hot in here. Too loud. Too fake. God, where was Miller? I turned toward the doors and practically ran straight into Matt.

Chapter 35


For just a second, when I saw Matt I was relieved. He’d been there for me after my uncle died. He’d literally been my shoulder to cry on. He was the only reason I didn’t fall apart. But it was just as easy to remember all the bad. And I’d had to cry on someone else’s shoulder because of him.

I took a step back before I did something else stupid. Miller was already mad at me. I’d already made enough mistakes for one night. I was exhausted mentally and physically. And I knew if I danced with Matt, he’d be wonderful and sweet and as irresistible as always. I knew my heart couldn’t take it.

“You promised me a dance,” he said and put out his hand.

I looked at his face. I didn’t think Rob was telling the truth. Yes, it did look like Matt was a little drunk. But he didn’t look angry at all. He looked…goofy. There was a big grin on his face. And his eyes looked so eager.

Don’t look at his puppy dog eyes. “Matt, I think it would be better if we talked tomorrow. Kennedy and I were just leaving.”

“It looks like Kennedy’s still dancing. And so are you. With me.” He looked confused about what he just said. “Yeah. That made sense.” He put his hand out again. “I’ve been waiting all night. I haven’t interrupted you. I just…we’re running out of time. It’s almost midnight.” He looked so hopeful.

I did tell him I’d save him a dance. And could tonight really get any worse? It was better to have this conversation and get it over with. I’d hear him out. And then I’d finally have all the facts about everything and maybe I could make a freaking decision so my mind didn’t explode.

I took a deep breath. “Okay. One dance.”

“That’s all that you need. I mean, all that I need.” He shook his head, then grabbed my hand and pulled me into his chest. “All that we need.”

God, I forgot how good he smelled.

He rested his chin on top of my head. “I forgot how nice your hairs smell. Hairs? Or is it hair? It’s hairs because there’s lots of them. They’re so pretty. I love all of them.”

I laughed. “Matt?”


“Are you drunk?”

“No. Yes. I don’t know. I think someone may have spiked the punch. And I drank a lot of it while I waited for you. Why’d you make me wait all night while you danced with everyone else?”

Because I’m worried I’ll hate your explanation. Or that I’ll understand it and fall for you even harder. I didn’t know how to answer him when my thoughts were at war.

He dropped his head lower, nuzzling his nose into my hair. “I’ve missed you,” he said, forgetting his question.

I’ve missed you too.

“Did you like my song?” He pulled back so he could look down at me. “It was for you. I was singing just for…” He lifted his hand and booped me on the nose. “…you.”

Yup, Matt was wasted. “Your song

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