Empire High Elite (Empire High #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,107

pull on Isabella.”

“Nah. Pretty sure you’re down for that prank anyway. I’ll hold on to my favor for now. I’m sad you’re bouncing though. Things were just getting fun.” He gave me a wink and dropped his hands from my waist just as Kennedy threw her arms around me.

“Best. Homecoming. Ever!” she screamed at the top of her lungs.

I heard Rob laugh. And a few other students cheered around us.

“Are you going to hook up with Robert Hunter too?” she asked. Her words were slightly slurred. “I can’t believe you just came into town and you’re already going to hook up with every single one of the Untouchables. What is your life? A fairytale?”

Hardly. Unless it was one of those real fairytales where everyone died terrible, gruesome deaths. Maybe I was living one of those. “I promise I’m not going to hook up with all of them,” I said. “Do you mind if we leave early? I have a really bad feeling. Isabella’s planning something, I know she is.”

“What can she do here? We’re in the middle of a dance! Back to the topic of Rob real quick.”

“Kennedy, I really think we should get going…”

“Can I have Rob then if you don’t want him?” She removed herself from my embrace. “I’m going to go ask him for a kiss. Wish me luck.”

Oh my God, Kennedy, no! I’d made plenty of bad decisions tonight. But it didn’t mean she had to too. I tried to grab her wrist but she was already twirling over to him.

“Kennedy!” I hissed as I ran after her.

But she didn’t listen. And her long legs were faster than mine even when she was twirling instead of running. She twirled between a couple, preventing Mr. Hill from having to put a ruler between them. She zig-zagged away from me and started twirling in the opposite direction.

“Kennedy get back here!”

But she was like a freaking dancing ninja. I couldn’t catch up with her. Twirling, ducking, and…jumping? Did she just jump over that girl that was bent over in front of that guy? Why wasn’t Kennedy on the track and field team?

“Kennedy!” But she’d already reached Rob on the dance floor. I pushed past a couple dancing very inappropriately, just in time to witness the horror that was this moment.

Kennedy tapped her hip into Rob’s in some weird dance move I’d never seen in my life. “Hey, tiger,” she said. And then she made a rawring noise.

Oh God, no.

Chapter 34


“Kennedy, do you want to go get a glass of water?” I asked.

She ignored me and clasped her hands behind Rob’s neck. “Hey,” she said and smiled up at him.

I waited for her to rawr again, but luckily she didn’t.

“Hey yourself,” Rob said with a smile. He didn’t seem as phased by the whole tiger thing as I was.

“Do you want to go make out in Mr. Hill’s classroom?” she asked.

Oh no. This was bad. Really bad. I wasn’t going to let her put herself in a position to be taken advantage of again. And how was she even planning on breaking into Empire High to make this happen? Before I could protest, Rob started laughing.

“That depends on three things,” he said. “Exactly how many cups of punch have you had? Are you actually broken up with Cupcake? And are you still in love with Felix?”

Kennedy gasped. “Well, I do not know how many cups I’ve had. Less than tweleven. But I know for a fact that I will never, ever let Cupcake near me again. Nunca,” she said and poked Rob in the middle of the chest. “That means never, in case you don’t know. It’s me and Brooklyn’s favorite word.”

“Nunca. Got it.” Rob smiled. “And what about the third thing?”

“I don’t remember you mentioning a third thing.”

“Are you still in love with Felix?” Rob asked.

“I do not know what you’re referring to regarding Mr. Green.”

He laughed. “I’m referring to the fact that you look at him with stars in your eyes. And that I’m pretty sure you should be asking him to go to Mr. Hill’s classroom instead of me.”


“Is that all you can say?” he said with a laugh.

“Nunca.” Kennedy started laughing too.

“I should probably steal her back,” I said.

Rob whispered something in her ear before I stole her from his embrace. Just because I’d done a lot of crazy stuff tonight didn’t mean Kennedy had to too.

“If you two need a ride home, let me know,” Rob said. “You can take my limo.”

“That’s okay. We have

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