Empire High Elite (Empire High #2) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,100

Mr. Hill said as he walked in between the flying fists. I was wrong before, it wasn’t James with a death wish. It was Mr. Hill.

But all four of them froze.

“Rob, James…why don’t you cool off outside for a minute. Matt and Mason, go get a drink and clear your heads. This is a dance not a street fight.”

“James, I’m sorry, I…” Matt started.

“Don’t even try to explain it again,” Mason said and helped his younger brother up. “Clearly the Hunters’ ears are too clogged to hear.”

“Fuck off, Mason,” James said. “Don’t you have some stupid blonde you need to give an STD to?”

“I don’t have any STDs.” It looked like that was the most insulting thing Mason had ever heard in his life. Mason took a step forward, but Matt grabbed his arm.

Rob laughed and elbowed James in the side like that was the funniest thing he’d ever heard.

“We’re done,” Mason said. “With both of you.”

“Great,” Rob said. “Because we’re done with both of you. Why’d the music stop?” he yelled and turned to the DJ. “Turn it the fuck up. This is a party.” He threw his hands into the air.

“Rob,” Mr. Hill said. “Language.” As if that was the worst thing that had happened here tonight.

The DJ was standing there completely stunned. But it was like Rob’s words had pulled him out of a trance. He turned the volume up even louder than before so I couldn’t hear what else Mr. Hill yelled at the Hunters and Caldwells.

Rachel was sobbing harder, making it even more impossible to hear Mr. Hill. I would have tried to console her…but I didn’t know who was telling the truth and who was lying.

So I just stood there completely stunned.

The Untouchables slowly separated. James and Rob went for the doors. And Mason and Matt made their way to the bar.

I didn’t understand why they weren’t being kicked out of the dance. But then I remembered how Isabella hadn’t gotten detention even though I had. They were all allowed to do whatever they wanted, including beating each other up in the middle of homecoming. They could get away with anything.

Kennedy appeared at my side. “I think you just broke the Untouchables,” she said.

But I barely heard her because Isabella had just stepped into the circle where the Untouchables had been fighting. She leaned down and lifted James’ crown off the floor. She wiped off some of the blood that had splattered on the crown. Her eyes locked with mine and I felt more hatred than the Hunters had for the Caldwells. Or visa versa. I wasn’t sure who hated who more right now. But none of it compared to how much Isabella hated me.

James had kissed me. If all those rumors were true about her being betrothed to James, I’d just touched what was hers. I’d crossed the line.

She’s going to kill me.

Chapter 32


Isabella and I both just stared at each other for a second. She was holding James’ crown so tightly in her hand that I thought it might snap.

I could barely breathe. Maybe she was planning on snapping the crown in half and then slicing my throat with it. I gulped.

But then Isabella just turned away and disappeared into the crowd. And for some reason that felt even worse than her just getting it over with right here. She was going to plot out something awful, which made it that much more terrifying.

“Did you just see Isabella’s face?” Kennedy asked.

“Yes.” My voice came out weird and squeaky.

“She’s going to do something awful.” She turned to me. “I know you’re mad at Matt, but why the hell did you kiss James of all people? Couldn’t you have just made Matt jealous by making out with Miller?”

“I…I don’t know. Because he asked. I…” I shook my head. I felt like an idiot.

She laughed. “It’ll be fine. Isabella can’t try to pull anything on you tonight because I’m sleeping over. So you’re at least safe for one more day. And we can tell your dad about it when we get back to your place. He’ll make sure she doesn’t do anything.”


“Come on,” she said and hiccupped. “Let’s dance.”

How much had she had to drink while I was making terrible choices? “Kennedy,” I said and looked down at the empty cup in her hand as she started shimmying her hips. “Haven’t you had enough?”

She laughed and threw her hands up in the air. “Nunca!” She threw the glass in the air along with her hands

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