Empire High Betrayal (Empire High #3) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,99

I wasn’t going to meddle anymore.

“We were just talking about Thanksgiving,” Kennedy said.

“Oh, I can’t wait till Friday,” Felix said. “Thanksgiving always sucks with my parents out of town. But this year I’m going to eat so much turkey.”

Kennedy laughed.

I was so excited that Matt had calmed down about my friendship with Felix. It was even Matt’s idea to invite him over on Friday. I almost felt confident saying that Felix and Matt were friends now. Maybe they’d make it official soon too…with a handshake or something. Not the way Felix and Kennedy were going to make it official.

“What time did you say I should come over?” Felix asked.

“You can come over whenever, really,” Matt said. “Brooklyn has an appointment in the morning, but she’ll be back before noon, right?” He looked over at me.

My dad had finally made me that appointment to get birth control. I was surprised it took him as long as it had. Especially since he’d basically found out I was sleeping with Matt on Halloween. “Mhm,” I said, hoping no one would ask me any questions about it. A gynecological exam hardly seemed as fun to talk about as Thanksgiving.

“And we can always just play video games before dinner’s ready,” Matt added.

“Awesome,” Felix said. “Are we talking Xbox or…”

Mason leaned over. “Of course we’re talking Xbox. And we’re going to kick your ass.”

“Oh, game on,” Felix said.

They all laughed as the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.

Matt’s fingers intertwined with mine as we all walked out into the hall. But all of us stopped when we saw two cops standing outside the cafeteria.

One of them stepped forward. “Felix Green, you’re under arrest for the possession of drugs on school property.”

Felix laughed. “What?”

“We found drugs in your locker,” the cop said.

“That’s not possible.”

“Mr. Green, you need to leave the school grounds immediately,” the principal said. “You’re hereby expelled. An investigation…”

“An investigation? But I don’t have any drugs in my locker…” Felix’s voice trailed off as the cop held up a bag of white powder.

“You need to come with us right now,” he said.

The sound of laughter made me look behind me. Freaking Cupcake. With his arm around Isabella and a huge grin on his face. I knew without a doubt that he was behind this. They both were. Isabella winked at me and my heart sank.

Her words from several weeks ago came back to me. “I’m going to break you, Sissy. And I’m going to do it by breaking everyone around you.”

Felix seemed to have come to the same conclusion on who had set him up, because he yelled, “What the hell, Cupcake?”

Cupcake shrugged his shoulders. “I didn’t do anything. You can thank Brooklyn for this. I saw her on the phone earlier. She probably turned you in.”

What? I took a step forward, but Matt grabbed my arm to hold me back.

Felix didn’t even look over at me. “Fuck you, Cupcake. Brooklyn had nothing to do with this and you know it.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” Isabella said. “This is all definitely happening because of her. Nothing like this ever happened before she moved to the city. It’s a shame she doesn’t just leave.”

They were doing this because of me. God. She was trying to destroy everyone around me.

“He must have put the drugs in my locker,” Felix said and pointed to Cupcake. “He set me up.”

“Mr. Green, I’m not going to ask you again, you need to leave the school grounds immediately,” the principal said.

“But I didn’t do anything.”

The cop grabbed his arm.

“It was Cupcake!” Felix yelled. “He’s selling drugs on school property. He’s putting them in his gross sugar cakes. He had to be the one that planted drugs in my locker. You should be arresting him.”

Cupcake just laughed. “I haven’t done anything wrong.”

“You haven’t done anything wrong? You fucking raped Kennedy, you disgusting piece of shit.” Felix lunged at him, but the cop caught his arm.

No. No, no, no. Oh, shit!

There was an audible gasp from the students around us. But Kennedy’s gasp was the only one I was focused on. Tears pooled in the corners of her eyes as the cop handcuffed Felix and dragged him away from Cupcake.

“Everyone get to class!” The principal yelled. “Now!”

“How could you?” Kennedy said as students rushed past us. “You promised you wouldn’t tell anyone. I told you I liked Felix. How could you do this to me?”

“Kennedy, I’m so…”

“Sorry? I don’t care if you’re sorry. You promised.”

“I know, it just kind of came

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