Empire High Betrayal (Empire High #3) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,7

yelled and I slipped past him.

“What are you doing?!” James yelled.

Donnelley lunged for me and I dodged him by hopping onto the bed.

“Brooklyn, he’s here to help,” James said. He was staring at me like I was crazy.

And maybe I was. I was jumping on James’ bed in my underwear. I looked over at James and he was staring at my breasts as I jumped. What the hell is happening? I had no idea how my night had turned into this. But I couldn’t trust Donnelley. He was an extension of Isabella. That conclusion wasn’t crazy. It just made logical sense.

Donnelley tore the map from his face and ran to the side of the bed. I bounced to the other side and tossed a pillow at him to slow him down.

“Get down,” James said, his eyes still focused on only one part of me.

Good idea. I threw another pillow at Donnelley and then leapt off the bed. James sidestepped and caught me in his arms.

“Calm down,” he said.

His voice was so calm. Normally I would have found it soothing. But not when I was about to die.

I pushed him off of me, knocking him back into Donnelley.

“Brooklyn!” James yelled.

“What is going on out here?” Rachel shrieked as she reemerged from the bathroom fully dressed.

“Get back in there! Save yourself!” I gasped as I ran past Rachel and out into the hall.

“Stop telling me what to do!” she yelled back. “James! Don’t you dare go after her!”

I looked both ways to see which way I should make my escape. That stupid football player who couldn’t close the deal was still standing there with his girlfriend. It didn’t really matter if they saw me again.

The girl gasped. “What did James do to her?”

High school gossip was the last thing on my mind as I sprinted down the hall. Let them think the worst. They already thought I was a prostitute.

“Stop!” Donnelley yelled from behind me.

“Brooklyn come back!” James said from somewhere closer behind me.

I looked over my shoulder. James was running down the hall after me. I felt bad for running from him. But if I stopped for him, I stopped for Donnelley.

“Brooklyn!” James yelled. “What the hell are you doing? I’m trying to help you!”

His voice was so close. He was going to catch me. I ran toward the stairs, gasping for air. Everything hurt, but my chest hurt the most. I tried to take a deep breath like Rob had told me to do when I was panicking earlier tonight. But I couldn’t. My vision was starting to blur.

I ran into the stairwell. Someone was cleaning up my bloody footprints. They didn’t look pleased that I was leaving a trail of more footprints. But they could have also been frowning at me for running around in my underwear. I didn’t freaking know and I didn’t freaking care.

I heard his bucket topple over and I just hoped it was Donnelley tripping over it instead of James.

I picked up my pace and ran down the stairs as fast as I could. When I reached the first floor, there was someone dressed in a rent-a-cop outfit coming toward me from the kitchen hall. I couldn’t trust a hotel security guard any more than I could trust Donnelley.

But I hesitated a moment too long.

James grabbed my arm. “What are you running from? Donnelley came to take you home.”

“He’s in on it, James. He’s the one that was driving. He left me there.”


We both looked up the stairs. We could hear Donnelley’s footsteps, but we couldn’t see him.

“This way.” James opened the door to the main part of the hotel. His hand slipped into mine as we ran down the hall. We turned left and his fingers tightened around mine. We ran down another hall until we ended up running into the lobby.

Shit. “Someone from school will see us,” I said and tried to take a step back. But then I saw the only face that I knew for sure would help me. Mr. Pruitt was arguing with the man at the front desk. His suit coat was wrinkled and his hair was askew. He looked a mess. And I said the first thing that popped into my head. “Dad.” My voice cracked as my tears spilled down my cheeks.

His eyes softened at the name.

I let go of James’ hand and ran into the lobby.

He ran over to me. “Sweetheart.” He pulled me into his arms. “I thought you were dead.” His voice was raspy,

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