Empire High Betrayal (Empire High #3) - Ivy Smoak Page 0,26

Felix? And Miller?”

“Matt waited outside my dad’s other apartment all night. He finally showed up when I needed him.” I could feel myself getting teary eyed again. Him showing up was all I ever wanted. “He convinced my dad to let me stay at his house until the new security system is set up.”

“You’re at that creepy mansion?”

I looked around the room. “It doesn’t feel as creepy anymore.” I hadn’t seen a single vampire coffin. “And his parents are really nice.” Well, his mom at least. I was still trying to get a read on his dad. It really seemed like Mrs. Caldwell had forced her husband to let me stay. And I was so grateful.

“Well, it can’t be any creepier than your dad’s place. It’s weird that I slept there last night without you. And that I don’t even remember it. I woke up to yelling.”

“Yelling? Who was yelling?”


I sat up a little straighter. “What was she yelling about?”


My heartbeat kicked up a notch. My name in Isabella’s mouth couldn’t be a good thing. “Was she arguing with someone?”

“No. She was just having a fit. It sounded like she was throwing things. I heard glass breaking. I put one of your pillows over my head to try to drown her out, but it was impossible. I’ve heard her mad before. I’m used to her wrath. But she sounded terrifying, Brooklyn. I don’t think she has any intention of being civil with you.”

The blood in my veins turned to ice. “Did anyone try to calm her down?”

“If they did, they didn’t do a good job. It went on for like half an hour. Actually, now that I think about it, she must have been on the phone with your dad. Because I definitely heard her say Daddy a lot. Gag.”

I felt like I did gag. Or more like I couldn’t breathe. Deep breaths. In and out. At least I hadn’t been there. I was safe here, right?

“Speaking of your dad, I really don’t think he’s Satan anymore. He even came to check in on me a little while ago. It was sweet. He apologized to my mom about what happened. He brought us some dinner from this fancy Italian place on the Upper East Side. My mom was so excited. I’m pretty sure she even forgave him, even though she didn’t say those words exactly. You know how she is.”

“That’s good.” My dad had been sweet to me too. And it warmed my heart to know that he’d checked up on Kennedy. I’d been away from him for a few hours and I was already forgetting that he was changing. He wasn’t what Mr. Caldwell said. And I wasn’t a monster either. My dad was just very misunderstood.

I shifted the cellphone to my other ear. “You said Isabella eventually stopped yelling? Did she sound less mad at the end? And what do you mean by being civil with me? What did she say exactly?”

“One second, Mama!” Kennedy yelled. “I have to go. My mom made my favorite rice pudding and it’s getting cold. I’ll see you at school tomorrow. Stay safe in the vampire mansion!”

“Wait, Kennedy?”

But she’d already hung up the phone. Shit. Isabella had no intention of being civil with me. Did that mean she was still planning on kicking me out of town? Murdering me or one of my friends? Taking Matt as her own?

I looked down at my phone. It was tempting to call Kennedy back, but she’d sounded happy during our conversation. I wanted her to have a relaxing night with her mom. I just wished I was with her tonight. As much as I wanted to be here with Matt…I wanted Kennedy to know that I was there for her. Because despite what she said, everything that had happened last night was my fault. Isabella wanted to hurt me. And Kennedy had been drugged to cause me pain. I didn’t want to put anyone in danger ever again.

God. How was my dad going to keep me safe? How could he protect me and my friends?

I heard a noise in the hall. Shit. I went to shove the nightstand drawer shut but a velvet box tucked into the corner caught my eye. I glanced at the door to make sure Matt wasn’t coming in. And then I reached into the drawer to grab the box.

It was a jewelry box. I flipped open the velvet top. Oh. Wow. There was a huge circular diamond in the middle,

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