Emmy & Oliver - Robin Benway Page 0,6

my shoulder and had blond highlights from spending summers outside in our backyards.

“What about his dad? Is he—?”

“They don’t know,” my mother said. “Apparently, he wasn’t home and he hasn’t come back since. They’re looking for him now, though. I’m sure they’ll find him.” (I wasn’t so sure. My mom had been saying that for ten years about Oliver: “I’m sure they’ll find him.”)

“Your dad’s on his way home from work now, Em.” She dabbed at her eyes again. “Are you kids hungry?”

“Yes,” Drew and Caro chimed together. My mom runs a catering business so there’s always food around. They like to take blatant advantage.

“Come on, come on,” my mom said, ushering us into the kitchen. “There’s leftover crêpes.”

Crêpes! Caro mouthed at me, grinning. I stumbled along behind them, discreetly wiping sand off my ankles while my mom’s back was turned.

My mom had the kitchen redone several years ago and it looks like a Martha Stewart showcase combined with an operating room. There are shiny gadgets that completely befuddle my dad and me, and yet it’s somehow warm and inviting. I like to hang out in there, just so long as I don’t touch anything and accidentally get puréed.

“Do you think Oliver’s dad will follow him here?” I sank down into a chair next to Drew, who looked as worried as I felt. “I mean, Oliver’s been with him all this time. To be separated now, that has to be hard.”

“His dad?” Caro said. “That’s who you feel bad for right now? Seriously?”

“No, I feel bad for Oliver,” I told her. But I felt kind of bad for everyone and I didn’t know why.

“Is there Nutella in this crêpe?” Drew asked.

“Here, mine’s Nutella. Switch with me.” I swapped the plates around before Drew could say anything. Caro muttered something under her breath that sounded suspiciously like “people pleaser,” but gave me an innocent look when I glanced at her.

“Does he know that Maureen’s remarried?” I asked. “Or about the twins?”

“Oh, man, that’s going to be a shock,” Caro said, digging into her snack.

“I’m sure Maureen will tell him all about Rick and Molly and Nora,” my mom reassured us. “That’s not exactly news that she can hide.”

“Do you think he even remembers us?” Drew asked. “It’s been ten years.”

“Don’t say that,” I snapped before I could stop myself. Drew’s fork froze in the air as he stared at me. My mom was watching me across the kitchen, too. I had seen that look too many times over the years, the “oh my God, is our child damaged beyond repair?” look, and I was in no hurry to see it again.

“Of course he remembers us,” I said. “Why wouldn’t he? We remember him. How could he forget us?”

Both Caro and Drew blinked at me, but I glanced away and tried to calm down. For years I had imagined Oliver coming home, what it would look like, and it never involved crêpes or him not remembering us. I crossed my fingers and knocked my hand softly against our wooden kitchen table, Oliver’s and my secret way to undo a jinx. We had made it up two weeks before he disappeared and I wasn’t about to let it go now.

“I’m sure he remembers,” my mom said in that soothing way that made me want to scream. “Oliver’s coming home and he’s safe. That’s what matters right now.”

I looked at Caro. She crossed her eyes back at me.

My mom suddenly stopped. “Hey,” she said. “Why is your hair wet?”

All three of us froze, Caro almost choking on her crêpe.

“We dared her to try out for the swim team,” Drew said, not missing a beat.

“That’s why I didn’t get your messages,” I added, tapping Drew’s ankle under the table in a silent thank-you. He kicked back his own version of you’re welcome.

My mom just laughed. “Crazy kids,” she said, then turned around to get more food. “You know Emmy can’t swim very well.”

Caro, Drew, and I looked at one another, then Caroline leaned over and brushed some sand off my elbow, wiping away my secret.


The day dragged on as we waited for more news about Oliver. Not that there was anything to hear, of course. He was on a plane in the sky, hurtling back to us with the same instantaneous force that had caused him to disappear in the first place. His dad was still missing, but my parents kept Caro and Drew and me away from the news and computers. (They don’t

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