Emmitt's Treasure - Melissa Haag Page 0,83

if she’d stayed sleeping.

“Nana Wini sent a call out for a pack meeting in a few hours.”

She glanced up at me with worry.

“Pack meeting? Why?”

“It’s time you are introduced to the pack. It lets everyone know you are under the protection of the Elders.”

“What about the boys?”

Since she already knew we protected cubs, I figured she was asking if they had to attend the meeting. We started down the long hallway to the main living area.

“They’ve already been put to bed.”

“I mean their safety.”

She really didn’t understand us. But, her first impression being what it was, I couldn’t blame her. I just hoped it would change someday soon.

“It will be discussed in the meeting as well. We will keep them safe.” I hesitated a moment, hating that I had more to ask of her. “I know you’re probably tired, but my parents would like to meet you. If you’re up for it.”

She paled slightly but nodded. Nervousness oozed from her, but no fear. I smiled and gave her hand a gentle squeeze.

“They’re waiting for us in the apartment we’ll be using.”

She didn’t say anything more as we walked the long way to the door of the rooms we’d be using. I gave her a reassuring smile, then opened the door. Mom had put us in one of the newly remodeled apartments. It had a sitting area, a coffee bar, two bedrooms, and a bathroom, based on the doors in the hallway.

Mom and Dad, Mary and Gregory, and Jim and Nana turned toward us.

Michelle’s pulse hiked up a notch, and I wanted to wrap my arms around her.

“Mother, Father, this is Michelle.”

Michelle gave them a quiet smile and a nod in greeting.

“Call me Charlene,” Mom said, offering her hand.

Michelle reached for it and as soon as their hands touched, they both froze. Mom’s heart started racing and Michelle’s gaze grew vacant. It was a look I’d seen before.

Mom swallowed hard, glanced at me, and tugged her hand from Michelle’s.

Michelle didn’t move at first. Then, she blinked and looked at Mom, letting her arm fall to her side.

“You okay?” I asked.

Michelle stared at Mom. Mom was watching her just as closely. What was going on?

“Sorry, I’m a little tired,” Michelle said.

It was the truth, but I knew it wasn’t the reason behind her behavior.

She gave Mom a weak smile, then glanced at Dad.

“This is Thomas,” Mom said, continuing with the introductions.

Dad nodded in greeting, not saying anything about Michelle’s reaction to Mom.

“And you already met our friends, Mary and Gregory.”

“Hello, again,” Michelle said.

Mary smiled warmly as Mom continued.

“Nana told us some of what you’ve been through. I wanted to let you know that we will do everything we can to protect you and your brothers so you can feel safe here. We’ll let you get some sleep and see you at breakfast.”

Then, Mom turned to me and claimed a hug. “I’ve missed you,” she whispered. I gave her an extra squeeze before letting her go.

“I’ll see you after breakfast,” Winifred said, leaving with the rest.

Jim closed the door behind Winifred. “If it’s okay with you, I’ll stay on the couch tonight,” he said, giving me a meaningful look. Was he extra protection or supervision?

“That’s fine,” Michelle said. “The boys will probably wake you up in about two hours, though.”

“I can handle it.” He stretched out on the couch and closed his eyes.

Wondering about the sleeping arrangements, I walked with Michelle down the short hallway. Her brothers were snuggled in a full-size bed in one room. Michelle stepped in, kissed them both, then closed the curtain that was letting in the dim, pre-dawn light.

I stepped in behind her and touched their heads, making sure they were warm enough with the light blanket. Summers up here were cooler than in the states. Seeing that the boys were fine, I led Michelle from the room, leaving the door slightly ajar so Liam and Aden would know they weren’t locked in when they woke in a strange room.

Across the hall was the second bedroom. Michelle walked in first and stopped at the sight of both our bags waiting on the bed.

“You’re welcome,” Jim said from the living room, his words too quiet for Michelle to hear.

By taking the couch, he’d really only left me with one spot. But, would Michelle choose to sleep here, or with her brothers like she had when she’d first come to us?

The blush staining her cheeks told me she was thinking about it.

“I don’t know what to say,” she said without

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