Emmitt's Treasure - Melissa Haag Page 0,61

her back to bed.

“Since you don’t want more sleep, do you want to come outside? Jim and I were talking about going into town for a few things.”

“Sure. Hold on.”

She disappeared into her room for a moment then came back with some money.

“Could you pick us up some milk and fresh veggies?”

That wasn’t what I had in mind. I mean, I would have picked up anything she needed without the money, but I would have rather had her come with me. Hiding my disappointment, I followed her from the apartment.

When we walked outside, she and Winifred took over playing catch. Liam didn’t say anything about the change, but Aden pouted until Jim promised he’d bring back something cool.

As soon as Jim closed the truck door, I started down the driveway.

“She didn’t want to come along, huh?” he said.

“She’s still afraid to leave here, I think.”

“It’s funny.”

I glanced at him in question.

“She doesn’t want to leave, and you didn’t want to come back, both of you because of what we are.”

“You talk too much.”

He laughed. “Winifred says the same thing. People just don’t like hearing the truth.”

“Or maybe you talk too much.”

We shared a grin. Jim always had been the talker between the two of us. Usually, he was the one who got us in trouble.

The drive to town didn’t seem to take as much time with Jim along. Furniture shopping was a different story. He wanted to recline and lay down on everything. He even climbed up on bunkbeds to make sure they would hold his weight, just in case. By the time we had everything we needed for Michelle’s new apartment, I was more than ready to head back.

“Hold up,” he said, before we’d even made it a mile down the road.


“There’s a buffet.”

“I want to get back.”

He snorted. “It won’t take long.”

It didn’t. We stuffed ourselves in a way that had management looking worried and then tipped well before leaving.

“I wish we could eat like that every day,” Jim said, opening his door.

“You do.” I shook my head at him as he scratched his belly and leaned into his seat with a sigh.

He napped on the way back, which gave me some quiet time to think about Michelle. I glanced at the truck bed and trailer full of wrapped furniture. While in the military, I’d sent money home to Mom and Dad for improvements to the Compound. I’d also sent a good portion to Winifred for the house. Whatever was left, I’d saved. Since we were young, we’d heard stories about how Mom had made a home from nothing. Though the chances of me finding a Mate had been slim, I’d wanted to be sure I’d set aside something, just in case. Every dollar I’d saved was now in the back of the truck. Would Michelle know what I was giving her? Probably not. But, I just hoped it was enough to convince her to stay.

As soon as we pulled into the driveway, Jim sat up with a yawn and a stretch.

The kids stopped playing to watch as I backed the trailer up to the house. Winifred and Michelle stood on the porch, waiting.

When Winifred signaled I was close, I stopped. Jim and I got out to unload. It wasn’t much, and I knew it wouldn’t take long. Michelle and the boys stayed back as we brought up the leather sofa, love seat, recliner, queen bed, bunk beds, and dressers. Winifred took some of the smaller items and directed us where to put everything. The other three stayed outside until we had the last heavy piece off the trailer.

While I put Michelle’s room together, Jim started on the boys’ room. Winifred pitched in and got to work on the kitchen and living room. I’d just left Michelle’s room when I heard her and the boys on the steps.

“Get in here and help me,” Jim said. “How can one bed have so many parts?”

He was looking down at the instruction for the bunks. Both dressers were assembled and in place.

The boys came running into the room.

“Can I help?” Aden asked, hunkering down next to Jim.

“Yep. You hold these.” Jim put some screws into Aden’s small hand. “You might have to help me with the directions, too.”

I looked up as Michelle glanced in the room. She studied it for a moment, a sad smile on her lips, then she turned and stepped toward her bedroom.

I ruffled Liam’s hair and followed Michelle. She stood in the doorway, taking it all in

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