Emmitt's Treasure - Melissa Haag Page 0,15

cupped hands.

“Sounds like you when you snore,” I said.

“She knows my mating call,” Jim said with a grin.

I smacked the back of his head then went to work cleaning the mower. Jim assisted, if I could count handing me tools while he sat watching the three play as assisting.

A while later, we both heard someone’s stomach growl.

“I’m hungry,” Jim called out. “Anyone else?”

Aden immediately answered with a quiet, “Me.”

“Keep working on him,” I said quietly to Jim as we stood.

“You got it, brother.”

We started toward the house. The boys quickly stood and headed that way too, but Michelle was a little slower. She frowned as she got to her feet. With each distracted step she took, the frown marring her forehead increased. When the boys hesitated, she motioned them ahead but bit her lip as she followed us to the porch. Her brothers stopped to wait for her. So did I. She noticed and hurried to catch up. Jim was already in his apartment, humming happily.

Standing aside, I let them enter. As she passed, I inhaled softly. She was worrying heavily. Did she think we didn’t have enough food?

“Not sure what I’m hungry for,” Jim said. He glanced back at Aden and nodded his head toward the fridge. “Peanut butter and jelly?”

Aden gave a slight shake of his head. While Jim went back to staring at the contents of the fridge and teasing Aden to creep closer, I watched Michelle. She was studying Jim and Aden intently. I glanced at the pair and saw Aden standing beside Jim, looking into the fridge. The little guy barely came to Jim’s thigh. Was she worried about Jim?

“I have some fish gill paste with broccoli,” Jim said just then. “Does that sound good?”

Maybe she did need to worry.

Aden quickly shook his head.

“Yeah, I don’t like it either,” Jim said. “It’s Emmitt’s. What about a ham and cheese sandwich?”

Aden nodded enthusiastically, and Jim had him assist in making us all sandwiches. The whole time Michelle kept a close eye on the pair.

Before we finished, Winifred’s car pulled into the driveway. I couldn’t wait to see what she’d purchased. A moment later she walked in, carrying three paper bags. I set my sandwich down and took one from her.

“I think you’ll be happy with what I found,” Winifred said to Michelle as she set two bags on Jim’s couch. “Emmitt, can you get the other bags for me? They are on the porch.”

There are some boxes we’ll want to store and show her at a later time, she added silently.

I set down the bag I currently held and went outside.

I listened to Winifred show the boys the ball caps she’d gotten them as I quickly moved several boxes into the garage. Winifred had found dishes and cookware and a few other household items for Michelle. She was right not to show any of it now. Michelle was...I shook my head. She was undecided about us, and housewares might come off as us pushing her to stay and likely send her running.

I grabbed the three remaining bags and noticed clothes for Michelle. Hopefully, she wouldn’t mind Winifred getting them.

I brought the bags in and set them next to the others. When I turned, I caught an odd look from Aden. A mix between suppressed laughter and guilt. I discovered why when I picked up my sandwich. Jim had taken a huge bite, and half of it was gone. I shook my head at Jim and ate the rest of my sandwich. I knew better than to leave food unguarded around him.

Winifred continued showing the kids the shorts, pants, shoes, sandals, and swim trunks she’d gotten for each of them. She’d even purchased new underwear and socks. Humans liked new stuff.

“Michelle,” Winifred said, breaking into my thoughts. “I hope you don’t mind, but I found a few things that I couldn’t resist getting for you.” She indicated the two remaining bags. “Would you like to see?”

Michelle nodded.

Like the boys, she had a full wardrobe that included shorts, two additional pairs of jeans, and several printed tees.

“I’ll let you look through the rest on your own,” Winifred said, stopping halfway through the second bag. “If something doesn’t fit, just let me know.”

“What?” Jim said in mock indignation. “No suit for her? Come on Nana, tomorrow’s the fourth. We could go to the lake.”

Please let there be a suit for Michelle, I thought to myself. I caught a movement out of the corner of my eye. Jim shoved something

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