Embracing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #6) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,83

me, or maybe he wasn’t finished taking souls from us. Three entire kingdoms had fallen in a matter of hours, which meant Ryder wasn’t facing Bilé as he’d planned. It made me feel like shit for being relieved while those around us perished. No, Bilé was smarter than we’d assumed, and maybe we needed to be reminded of it.

I also was relieved that Thanatos was here and not following Ryder, offering me some reassurance that perhaps he’d come out of the fighting unscathed.

Darynda found me as I made my way through the stronghold, stopping to peer around me before she spoke softly.

“The new chef is shit, and I’m sure he hasn’t ever peeled a potato before today.” Her emerald green eyes went wide as a soldier stopped, tipping his head to her before letting his gaze slide down her petite frame.

“Ask Dristan if he can move or speed up the chef and kitchen staff interrogations. I honestly don’t care if the new one is shit, as long as he passed the test and is safe from committing treason. Icelyn,” I called out to the Ice Queen over the sound of the marching soldiers patrolling the inside of the stronghold. She watched the proceedings without fear. When she neared me, I spoke low so as not to be heard. “So, you might be the new Light Heir, which would also indicate that you’re the newly crowned Light Queen, so congratulations, or something?”

Icelyn shook her head and lifted up her arms. “I no longer have the heir brands. That was what I was coming to tell you. They’ve vanished, and I’m uncertain why or how. I checked the babes for them, but nothing.”


“Riders incoming!” someone shouted directly behind me.

My heart leapt, hoping that it would be Ryder and the men coming back victorious from battle. I moved through the room, heading toward the battlements to watch his return, only to find Dristan and Sevrin eyeing the banners warily.

“Who is it?” I demanded, stopping between their massive frames, staring at the immense force of troops that moved across the meadows. There was a large white banner with what looked like a single A, presumably for anarchy, written in blood.

“No fucking clue,” Dristan announced, staring at the front seven riders who preceded the army.

“Is that the sign for anarchy?” I asked, a frown creasing my brow.

“We should get you inside, Synthia,” Sevrin muttered, straining his eyes to watch the riders who seemed to be slapping each other with severed limbs. “Are those legs?”

“It’s Asher and the Seelie. He actually fucking came.” I smiled, watching the Seelie as they approached us, in no hurry to reach the stronghold. In fact, they slowed even more when Asher’s arms moved as if he argued with those beside him.

“But whose leg is he slapping around?” Dristan’s mouth turned into a frown. His multicolored green eyes turned to me, and he shook his dark head as he took in the Seelie army. “I can feel them, all of them.”

“Yeah, that’s not surprising considering your father screwed the Seelie Queen, and out popped an army of Asher like creatures.” Or, so we assumed that was what happened. Rumor was Danu had had a hand in creating them as well. Danu was also known as the Mother of the Fae, so who knew what that really meant?

“No, Synthia. I can feel all of them. The entire army marching toward us shares a familial bond. They’re all Alazander’s children, meaning he didn’t just fuck the queen, he fucked the entire court.”

“Your father really was a whore.” I nodded for the troops in front of the castle to stand at the ready. I wanted to be prepared in case Asher had changed his mind and decided to march on the horde instead of accepting Ryder’s offer to join us. “Be ready in case they try something. I will not lose this stronghold while Ryder is away.”

“Hold the line!” Sevrin shouted, sifting to the front of the men who protected the fortress.

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