Embracing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #6) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,57

woman. You didn’t schedule an appointment, which you will need to do, according to horde law, if you wish to bother the queen in times of unrest. Do you intend to break the law?”

“I’m king, Synthia.”

“Do you plan to rape me, then?” I whispered, looking at his darkening gaze in question.

“You think I’d have to rape you? Your body was created for mine. You may be void of emotion for now, but you will respond to me eventually,” he warned, pushing his fingers into my body, watching my back arch to accept what he gave. “See, your body knows that you are mine. Put me on your schedule for tomorrow, wife. I plan to use your sweet flesh to refuel before the celebration of the impending war, which you will attend, so see that shit is on your schedule too. You may have free roam of the stronghold, but stay the fuck out of the feeders’ lounge and away from my dirty little slut. I have instructed her to stay away from you in return.”

“Whatever, Fairy. Take your fingers out of my cunt and shove them up your fucking ass. I’m exhausted, so unless you plan to rape me, get the fuck off of me,” I hissed coldly. When he finally removed his hand, I used my magic to glamour on thick wool leggings and an even thicker gown. Turning over in bed, I stared at the wall, or what was left of it, as silent tears slipped down my face to wet the pillow.

“I love you. Remember that, Pet.”

“Yeah, sure you do. Leave, you have your own room. Get the fuck out of mine, asshole. King or not, this is the queen’s bedroom, and she doesn’t fucking like you anymore. Now leave me alone, you’re bothering me.”

Chapter Sixteen

I left the castle at dawn, easily escaping my captors. I searched Faery for any sign of trespassers that I could kill, finding plenty of mages randomly placed in the weaker parts of Faery. I’d slaughtered more than my fair share before the alarm on my arm alerted me that I was late for the ceremony. I wiped the blood from my blade on one mage corpse and bent down in a pool of water, washing blood and dirt from my face before standing to sift into the courtyard of the stronghold.

Couples decked out in their finery stopped to stare at me as I entered through the hallway. They murmured behind their hands as I passed, noting the guards set every few feet within the hall. At least Ryder hadn’t forgotten to secure the fortress while he’d been busy banging worthless bitches.

I walked through the main entrance of the throne room, studying the faces of the guard as Ryder took in my blood-coated jeans and leather jacket. I had secured my hair up behind my head in a tight ponytail, now blood-red from the arterial spray I’d showered in today. Men and women stopped talking as I passed, gaping at my wardrobe while I made my way to the raised dais where Ryder glared at me through narrowed slits.

At the throne, I turned, gazing out at the crowd, who surveyed me warily, waiting for me to say something. I snorted loudly, taking my place at Ryder’s side.

“You are not wearing your crown, Pet,” he hissed.

I wiggled my fingers, materializing a crown of blood-red rubies to match the blood covering the rest of me. I turned, staring at Ryder as he took in the damage to my face that was slowly beginning to heal. One mage had gotten a lucky strike before I’d removed his head. I’d been fighting three others, wanting them to hurt me so that the physical pain would lessen the emotional pain within me.

Ryder reached over to touch me, and I recoiled from him. He didn’t stop, lifting an ear from my shoulder and tossing it away from us.

“You’re late,” he stated coldly, turning heated eyes to the crowd.

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“You’ve kept the entire court waiting on you, My Queen.”

“And? I’m the

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