Embracing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #6) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,51

her to move from the bed; she didn’t.

Synthia slammed down, taking every fucking inch of my cock, repeating it over and over until I exploded into her cunt, trembling. Throwing her head back, Synthia roared her release as magic filled the room. I moved, rolling her onto the bed, stalling her orgasm long enough to own that shit. I pumped my hips hard and fast, wrecking her flesh until she whimpered, trying to escape me as we both came until completely drained and gasping for air.

“Woman, you undo me,” I chuckled against her perky tits, nipping one and then the other as her head lifted and fell back without words. I bucked my hips, and her head shook, unwilling to take more of the monster she’d created. “Tired? Too fucking bad, Pet. I’m still hard and not finished ruining this pussy yet.”

Hours passed, and I continued to wreck her until we were both depleted and satisfied, and even then, I didn’t want to be out of her body. I felt like the beast with his insatiable hunger to fuck and claim her in the most basic primal way.

I wanted her womb filled, her body drenched with my come, and I wanted her swollen with my babe growing within her. It took everything I had inside of me not to release the reigns I held on that part of me. I could knock her up, and all it would take was me wanting to do it.

Once this war ended, she would give me more babes, and we’d live in peace as I watched her belly swell with them. Fuck, I wanted this woman and the life we could have together, but I needed her to wake up first. I needed the warrior within her to see what awaited her, but rose-colored glasses prevented that from happening.

I was out of time and patience, waiting for her to grow the hell up and take what was rightfully hers. She wasn’t my equal, not yet. I would force her to become it, though, because this world depended on both of us to ensure it survived.

“Ryder, go to sleep,” she uttered hoarsely, her voice long gone from screaming.

I smiled harshly, withdrawing from her. I glamoured a nightgown onto Synthia’s naked body and some simple clothes onto mine, fully aware of the eyes watching me from the shadows. I turned, leaving the room to join Zahruk, who waited for me in the hallway. We didn’t speak, not until I sifted out of the stronghold and appeared next to the Fairy Pools in Scotland, far away from my mischievous wife and those she’d allowed into my home.

“Was she there?” Zahruk asked, palming his blades while watching my face.

“Synthia brokered a deal with her. What she agreed to, I have no idea.”

“Synthia betrayed us.” Zahruk frowned, unhappy with her choices.

“She changed me, and yes, she’s betrayed me. I don’t know what she has planned or what she has done. Until we know, I don’t want her to realize we’re aware of her secrets. She loves us and wants to keep us safe, and I fear someone else, a god or goddess perhaps, is playing on those emotions to get to her. I’d rather be certain of her reasoning before assuming she has committed treason against us out of malice. Have we moved the children and warned Liam of our concerns?”

“Yes, they’re hidden where no one will find them.”

“If we do this, I want guards posted everywhere. I don’t want her to walk in while it’s happening. Synthia would react before she knew the truth.”

“Maybe if you piss her off enough, she’ll wake the fuck up and take the powers from Faery that we need to end this war.” Zahruk’s sapphire eyes studied me intensely.

“I told her we issued a kill order on the fae, and she went to the human world. Synthia didn’t move to protect the people of Faery from me. She ran back to Alden and the guild. I don’t know what to do with her, other than force her into that tower and

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