Embracing Destiny (The Fae Chronicles #6) - Amelia Hutchins Page 0,32

the back exposed to the arch of my spine. My arms held silver torques, marking me a goddess and royalty. Upon my hair, which was decorated in war braids, sat obsidian crystals resembling a crown. My feet were covered in strappy heels that left my freshly painted Good Girl Gone Plaid—amethyst-colored, and a new favorite polish—showing. I painted my lips blood-red, and the smirk I wore told the ladies everything they needed to know.

“Okay, ladies. Listen closely to the plan, and by the time they leave for battle, we’ll all either be divorced or delighted women,” I said conspiratorially. “Keely, Maryam, and Meera, please take the babes to the tower. We will be there shortly after we’ve finished reminding the men who make their worlds go round.” Smiling, I headed for the door. “Shall we, ladies?”

Chapter Nine

We entered the throne room unannounced, throwing open the doors with magic. The men paused, turning to look as we stormed the room silently, the only sound coming from the clicking of our heels. My gaze brushed over Ryder, then dismissed him, fully aware he’d noted the outfit I wore and wasn’t happy about the amount of flesh shown. The dress exposed my sides, my slender hips, and a lot of other things. Releasing power, my brands pulsed, dancing over my skin in delicate silvery-blue hues, and I smirked, knowing every male present felt my power, raw and unchecked, as I moved further into the room.

I walked right by Ryder, moving toward the raised dais without stopping as every eye in the room inspected us. Once there, I spun around to show the slim waist the dress exposed. I silently watched as the women moved into their places in the empty chairs reserved for the family during ceremonies. It was a place of honor and was heavily warded against enemies, offering them more protection should shit hit the fan. Once they were seated, I turned to the guard and nodded.

Sitting upon the throne, I stared straight ahead as Ryder approached me. He lifted a dark brow while I glared at the door, not bothering to acknowledge he was there. I felt the heat of his gaze as it slid hungrily down my body, noting my dress exposed a lot of skin; skin he wouldn’t be touching anytime soon.

“A word, Synthia?” Ryder growled.

“If you’d like to schedule time with Her Majesty, Synthia, Queen of the Horde and Goddess of the Fae, I can see if she has time next week, My King,” Ciara snapped angrily. “Otherwise, Her Majesty is about to hear grievances from the people of the horde and has no time for petty nonsense or small talk, Your Grace.” She bowed her dark head before glaring at him, daring her brother to argue.

“The fuck, Ciara?” he snapped.

“I am the Queen of Dragons and Princess of the Horde, Your Grace. Respect the titles I wear, as I am respecting yours,” she said fiercely, her violet glare boring into his, once again daring him to argue. “Would you like to be scheduled?”

“She’s my wife!”

“Mmm, yeah, but she has a duty to fulfill, does she not?” Ciara clapped her hands at the guards near the back of the room. “Run along and play your war games, brother. Let the people in; the queen will hear their grievances now.” Dismissing Ryder, Ciara moved back to her seat.

I stared ahead, observing Ryder’s angry glare while I surveyed the people filing into the room. I sat back, materializing the staff that mirrored Ryder’s. He used the staff when holding court and listening to complaints and disputes happening around the palace and throughout the kingdom.

He opened his mouth to speak, and I pounded the staff against the floor three times to signal the first citizen to be heard, dismissing Ryder before he could say more. The crowd was filled with couples who stared up at the throne, frowning, expecting it to be the king who would listen to their protests and pass judgment.

Ryder stepped back, narrowing his burning amber eyes on me before turning on his heel and heading back to where the men now openly securitized us. Blane’s mouth had yet to shut.

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