Elkin Brothers Christmas The Complete Series - Leslie North Page 0,81

“You’re usually up earlier than this.”

“I slept in.” Gabe rolled onto his back and stretched his arms above his head. “Too comfortable next to you.” Oh—he hadn’t meant to say that out loud.

Anna only laughed and headed for the closet. She reappeared at the side of the bed, the forest-green of her dress stunning. Her eyes swept over him. “Are you going back to sleep?”

If you come with me. “No, I have plans for us.” He’d made the decision as he was falling asleep the night before. “We need to go to town.”

“Oh, okay. Hurry up, then.” Her smile was the perfect way to start the day.

He threw back the sheets. “You just want to see me in my boxers.”

Anna winked at him. “So what?”

She was too perfect. Gabe headed for the shower, wondering at every moment whether she’d climb in with him. Or hoping. But no, she’d just done her hair for the day. His guess was she’d be waiting by the front door when he got out. Efficient should have been her middle name.

Gabe was right. “Why are we going into town?”

“Shopping,” he said, as he pulled on his shoes.

Anna managed not to ask about it until they were in the car and on their way to the small downtown area not far from the Elk Lodge. “What are we shopping for?”

“Christmas gifts, obviously.”

“Obviously? What more could anyone want other than a batch of homemade cookies?” At first, he thought she was making fun, but she took his hand, and the world fell back into place. “What do you have in mind?”

He pulled up into a parking spot in front of a jewelry store and got out. “I don’t know. I’m hoping you can help me.”

She put a hand to her chest, pretending to be honored. Or maybe she was honored. It didn’t seem to matter when her other hand was still firmly locked together with his. The town was decorated with holly and red ribbon, and Anna took in a deep breath.

“Is it me, or does it smell like fresh gingerbread here?” she asked.

“That’s the bakery.” He pointed to a location just down the street.

Anna’s shoulders shook. “This is just so Christmas. I love it.”

They went into the jewelry store, a hybrid place with a little boutique on the side. Soft Christmas carols played as they looked in all the cases. Gabe stopped by a collection of jeweled watches, and Anna slowly let go of his hand, leaving him to browse the boutique.

He’d just settled on the watch in the center—one with rubies and diamonds surrounding the face—when he felt her presence at his side.

“I found something.”

“So did I. This watch.” He held it out to show Anna.

“It’s gorgeous.” A beat of time passed. “But given her condition, I think she might like something soft and more functional.” Anna took his hand and led him to a beautiful display of colorful shawls. They felt like water moving through his fingers. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen his grandmother in anything this vibrant, but they were so soft.

“I think you’re right,” he murmured, choosing one that looked like spring flowers in the evening. The colors were bright and burnished, the way they looked in the sunset from his grandmother’s favorite spot on the property. “How did you choose the perfect thing?”

She put her arm through his and leaned in. “Good instincts, I guess.”

He breathed in the shampoo and hairspray scent of her, and not for the first time, he wanted to kiss her right here in front of everyone. And not just any kiss. A long, deep, lingering kiss, so that he could imprint the feeling on his memory. Anna, shopping with him for his family. He might not be an optimal fit for the Elkin crew, but he fit with Anna like a puzzle piece.

Gabe shook off the urge to do something crazy, like propose to her in the jewelry store. He handed the shawl to the clerk to have them box it up and wrap it. Anna moved to look at the window display. The snow had started to fall, little flakes glittering in the sun, a beautiful backdrop for a beautiful woman. Although even cold and her teeth chattering, she drew him irresistibly. A quiet conversation with the shop owner saw his gifts wrapped up and put into a small silver bag.

“Let’s walk.” Anna slipped her arm through his at the door. “It’s so beautiful here.”

“Anything for you,” he smiled. Anna laughed, but

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