Eliza and Her Monsters - Francesca Zappia Page 0,95

The silence is so absolute it’s eerie. I fall in love with it instantly.

Two months pass, and I think of Wellhouse Turn maybe every other day. The thought is still there, but the seriousness of it comes and goes.

I only go back on one of the nonserious days, and only with Wallace. We stand at the top of the hill, next to the cross and the offerings. I move the rock I put there months ago; in exchange, Wallace leaves the football jersey that once hung on his wall. WARLAND 73, shivering on the cross in a gentle summer breeze.

Wallace starts going to his own therapist. He doesn’t tell me much about the visits other than the exercises he’s supposed to do to get himself talking in front of strangers. He must talk to this therapist about his dad, and everything he told me in his email, but we don’t talk about it, and I think that’s okay. Instead we talk about the fact that he’s going to college in the fall for business, with a minor in creative writing. We talk about how we’re going to see each other while he’s gone. And we talk about the new chapters he gives me of an original story of his he’s been thinking about for a while.

We go to see his friends. He’s talked to them plenty since the news came out, but I haven’t. Megan, as I suspected, is the most understanding. Leece is just excited to know me. Chandra takes a bit to warm up, then gets flustered that I’ve seen her artwork. Cole takes the longest. We sit at our table at Murphy’s, and he spends most of the first hour watching Wallace. When Wallace doesn’t kick me out of the building, Cole glances at me and says, “So. Yeah. I guess this is pretty cool.”

I don’t know if they can be my friends too, after all this, but I hope they can.

Wallace convinces my brothers to start playing football with him in the afternoons. Mom and Dad join in, because they’re Mom and Dad, and any form of physical exertion is a small form of happiness. It’s strange, at first, to watch them play and realize for the first time that they do it for fun. This isn’t a punishment for them, and it’s not a way to pass the time. It makes them happy the same way drawing made me happy.

It’s strangest with Wallace, because it’s one thing to hear that he loves playing football, another thing to see it. And he’s good at it too, which seems unfair. How can one person be so good at two drastically different things? How does he have enough love for both football and writing? But with him it seems there is no limit, that it’s not a matter of picking and choosing, that he draws no lines between his sport and his art.

They get some of the neighborhood kids to play, and after a while they have a weekly thing going. One day in August, I walk Davy past the open lot where they play and hear Wallace yelling across the field.

I don’t think it’s him at first. I’ve never heard his voice that loud across so much space. But one hand is cupped to his mouth and the other points directions to some of the players—among them Lucy, who convinced the others to let her play and is now outrunning them all.

I stop to watch. Church runs past and sees me. He meets up with Sully at the other end, nudges him in the ribs, and nods his head my way. I politely pretend not to notice. Then Sully has the ball, and the two of them juggle it between them down the field in a way even I know isn’t legal in football, weaving between the other players until they reach the trash cans—makeshift goalposts—at the other end of the lot. Wallace yells something at them, laughing when they launch into exaggerated touchdown dances.

He pulls them back into line. The other team gets the ball. Their quarterback has it, looking for an open pass. Wallace breaks through the line and charges at him.

I yell, “TAKE HIM DOWN!”

Both Wallace and the quarterback whip around with shock on their faces, but Wallace’s momentum carries him straight into the other boy, and they tumble to the ground.

“Sorry!” I call.

Someone shouts for a time-out. Wallace picks himself up, helps the other boy, then jogs over to me. His shirt is

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