Elite Metal Warriors - Sabrina York Page 0,88

here together. It’s a small room. I figured you’d notice.”

He knew he was being an ass, he knew he was avoiding the issue, but honestly, this conversation was unlike any conversation he’d ever had with a woman. To be frank, he wasn’t quite sure what was going on. Or he was, and the thought spooked him. His feelings for her were beyond anything he’d ever felt before. But he knew what kind of man he was, and he knew he wasn’t good enough for her. He knew there could never be anything between them. They were too different.

It would be courting disaster to ignore that.

“So it’s just sex for you?” Her voice was hard, cold, but there was a quiver in there too.

He stared at her, torn.

A part of him wanted to yank her into his arms and kiss the ever-loving hell out of her, to tell her he was confused too, he wanted something that was beyond him as well…but the words wouldn’t come.

After a moment, she nodded. “Okay. Thanks for being honest.”

There was nothing honest about him.

Without another word, she opened the door and slipped away. Something in his soul howled. He wanted to snatch her back. Hold her. Kiss her.

But it was too late.

He swallowed the lump in his throat.

It was for the best.

Really, it was.

She didn’t know what kind of man he was. She didn’t realize he was not capable of giving her what she needed. And they were too different.

That was important to remember.

She was an Elitnyye Voiny agent and he was committed to the Elite Metal team. She lived on the other side of the planet. It was better this way.

It was.

With a heavy sigh, he headed back into the living room and dropped into a chair.

Gregor frowned at him, but this was nothing new.

Cooper frowned back.

“What did you say to her just now?”

He shrugged. “Nothing.” Literally. Nothing. “Why?”

“You should have seen her face when she walked by.”

No. He shouldn’t. It was the last thing he wanted to see. “Was she angry?”

The old man narrowed his eyes. If he’d been a kitten, he’d probably have hissed. “She looked…hurt.”

Nonsense. “She’s tough as nails.”

“You know nothing.”

Honestly, the man was a puzzle. He hated Cooper, didn’t want him anywhere near his little darling, but got mad when Cooper blew her off. Pick a side.

Gregor’s expression tightened. “She sacrificed everything to save you.” Damn. He sounded pissed.

“What do you mean?”

“She was close to finding Nurelnikov, but blew her cover to get you out of there.”

Cooper glanced in her direction. She sat at the dining room table, ostensibly checking her weapons. “I appreciate that.”

“I don’t think you do.”

“Um. I’m pretty sure I do. I would have died if she hadn’t come.”

“No, I don’t think you understand what she gave up.” Why did he have the sense that he was being flogged by a disapproving father? And why did he care?

He never cared. He never allowed it.

“What did she give up?”

“Her lifelong dream to kill a man.”

Hookay… Yeah. He’d certainly never met a woman with a dream like that before. “Who is it?”

“The man who killed Boris Petrova.”

“And who was Boris Petrova?”

“He was my good friend, and the KGB agent who was assigned to capture Yuri Nurelnikov.” Gregor cleared his throat. “He was also Natalia’s father.”

“I see.”

“I don’t think you do. Nurelnikov is a foul creature, involved in many felonious pursuits. He is also an extremely vengeful man. He was not satisfied with killing Boris. He went to the orphanage where Natalia had been taken when her father died. And he…took her.”

“Took her?”

“Yes. One of his, ahem, hobbies, is human trafficking. So he sold her.”

Cooper’s heart skittered. His mouth went dry. “Sold her?”

“Yes. Foul thought, is it not? She was ten.”

Shit. He glanced her way again and his pulse thrummed. His chest ached.

“It took me a year to find her. Rescue her.” He stared into his glass. “I have no idea what horrors she endured, but I do know this. She is a strong woman. A force to be reckoned with. An excellent agent. And she deserves vengeance on Nurelnikov. Vengeance you stole from her.”

Fuck. “That is hardly fair.”

“Isn’t it?”

“She’s a grown-up. She made a choice.”

“I know. But will she regret it? I think she will.”

He hoped not. God, he hoped not. “Why are you telling me this?”

“Because I want you to leave. Go back to America. Forget about Natalia Petrova. Leave her in peace.”

Damn. That was what everyone seemed to want. But he wasn’t sure if he could do

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