Elite Metal Warriors - Sabrina York Page 0,70

It was there for a fraction of a second before the mask resumed, but Coop saw it. “So,” he said by way of changing the topic. “What is a beautiful woman like you doing here in Hong Kong?”

She looked down in what he assumed was a demure pose. “I’m not all that beautiful.”

An outright lie.

Fortunately, Coop was used to the ploy, women fishing for compliments, and he was more than happy to oblige. “I doubt I’ve ever seen a woman as beautiful as you.” And damn, it was true. “I noticed you the moment I walked into this bar.”

Her response was an expression of disbelief. “It’s far too dark in this bar for you to notice anything.”

“Okay. I saw you in the lobby and followed you in here.” Might as well lead with the truth…or part of it anyway.

“Now that I believe.” She took a sip of her drink.

“And why are you in Hong Kong?”

“I live here.”

Was it his imagination or was she avoiding the question? Should he care, or just ignore it and forge on with his seduction?

“This would be an exciting place to live.”

She huffed a soft laugh. “I suppose. If I had time to enjoy it. My boss keeps me pretty busy.”

“Oh? What do you do?” As direct questions went, that one was pretty fucking direct.

She hesitated, then finally answered. “I’m in translations.”


“Yes.” Her lashes fluttered. “You wouldn’t know it to look at me, but I speak eleven languages.”

“Wow. That many?” Coop only spoke six.

Nat nodded. “English, of course, Mandarin, German, French, Russian…I could go on.”

“Please do.” He spoke all of those plus a little Arabic.

“I’d rather not.”

“What would you rather do?” He didn’t intend for his tone to be quite so seductive, but he was glad it had been when her gaze met his. Steamy, scorching and sultry thoughts tumbled through him. Damn, she was hot. And she wasn’t even trying to be hot.

An undeniable sexual tension rippled between them.

After a moment, she looked away. “I-I should go.”

“Must you?” He took her hand in his and stroked the tender skin of her wrist.

She shook her head and her ponytail shimmied. “I…ah… don’t do this.”

“Don’t sit in a bar with a man and…chat?”

“Is that what this is?”

Goddamn, her eyes were beautiful. He had to tell the truth. “No. Not if I have any say over it.”

“That’s what I thought. I don’t do one night stands with men I’ve just met.”

Well, hell. Those words sent a bolt of electricity through him, even though they decried what he wanted. His stomach plunged when she picked up her purse.

With a creeping sizzle that felt like panic, he forced a smile and glanced at his watch. “Well, how long do we have to wait?”

She froze. Her mouth fell open—a tantalizing sight—and then she barked a laugh, one that shattered the friction between them. “You are a very charming man, Mr. Cooper—”

“Just Coop.”

“And handsome, too.”

“Aww, pshaw.”

She laughed again, a melody. “Did you just say pshaw? Does anyone say pshaw?”

“I did and do, ma’am.”

She faked a shiver. “Ooh. I love it when men ma’am me.” There was hardly any sarcasm in her tone.

“Sorry, ma’am. Old habit.”

Her gaze sharpened. “Military?”

He shook his head, though it was true. “Cowboy. My mama would knock me into next week if I didn’t respect a lady.” He pretended to tip his Stetson.

He’d never worn a Stetson. Never been on a ranch. Never had a mama. But what the hell, his ploy worked. Nat hooked her arm in his and smiled up at him. “Perhaps you could walk me to the elevator.”

“I’d rather walk you to your room.”

“That is out of the question. I never invite men to my room.” Damn. Damn and blast. Maybe he should— “How about yours?”

Coop nearly swallowed his tongue.

Thank God he’d had the foresight to book a room in this hotel. It made sense since Ming Kow spent so much time here, but Titanium was going to have a shitfit when he saw the bill. Aside from that, he had a beautiful woman on his arm. She held the key to unlocking the secrets he desperately needed…and he held the key to a luxurious bedroom perfect for seduction.

This could not be going any better.

Chapter Two

Natalia Petrova fixed her features into some innocent, seductive mien and Cooper smiled and gestured toward the foyer.

God, men were so easy to manipulate.

Sometimes it revolted her.

All she needed to do was bat her lashes and infer she might possibly spread her legs for them and they melted.

She forced down

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